wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long roczny kl II wrz vol 4
autor: tysiek
volatiblechangeable, unstable
sloppydone in a careless manner
to go to the dogsto deteriorate (idiom)
to return to the foldto join the group of people of the same beliefs or interests (idiom)
tertiarythird in a rank
to commenceto start
up for grabsopen to those who are interested (idiom)
to cash in onto benefit from sth (idiom)
to gain groundsto become popular (idiom)
to condoneto overlook, to forgive
serendipityfinding good things without looking for them
to acquiesceto agree without protesting
obtuselacking intelect, stupid
sycophantsb who flatters for self-gain
circumspectcautious, wary
avaricegreed for money
perusalan instance of reading sth carefully
unassumingmodest, self-effacing
to ruminate onto think deeply, to meditate
to keep out of harm's wayto keep out of danger (idiom)
to meet sb halfwayto come to a compromise, agreement
to burn the midnight oilto study late at night (idiom)
forlornlonely and unhappy, uncared
presence of mindability to remain calm in crisis and act quickly (idiom)
maudlinfoolishly sentimental
misnomerthe wrong use of a word, description or definition
fortituderesistance, courage, endurance
partisanan enthusiast
platitudea commonplace remark
to cobble togetherto put sth hastily and clumsily
to take offence atto be offended (idiom)
to be left to one's own devicesto be left unattended (idiom)
to indictto accuse sb officially at court
plaintivesounding sad, sorrowful
to hold waterto be valid (idiom)
sanguinehopeful, optimistic