wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wrzesień 2.1
autor: tysiek
to crank outto produce sth with effort or without care
to mockto ridicule
to condition sth to sbto train or educate sb to do sth
the lure of sthsth that tempts you
utilityan instance of being useful
tenaciouskeeping a firm hold of sth
to look upto improve gradually
virulentextremely harmful, deadly/ hostile
intractablethat cannot be solved
scourgeplague/ sth/sb that causes suffering
to eradicateto annihilate, to root out
dismaya feeling of shock or discouragement
regimena set of rules
to tame?
arduousrequiring much effort
to proliferateto multiply
quiescentinactive, quiet, passive
?a situation when one's force is neutralized or countered by each other
to wall offto separate or enclose with a wall
to abaseto lower, humiliate
to abashto embarass
to abateto subside/ to decrease, to lessen
aberrantabnormal, deviant
to abbreviateto shorten
to abdicateto renounce, to give up
to abetto aid, usually in doing sth wrong/ to encourage
abeyancea state of being suspended
to abhorto hate, to detest
abjectwretched, lacking pride
to abjureto renounce upon oath
abnegationrepudiation, self-sacrifice
to abolishto cancel, to put an end to sth
abominabledetestable, extremely unpleasant, very bad
aboriginalprimitive, native/ being the first of its kind in a region
abortiveunsuccessful, fruitless
to abradeto wear away by friction/ to scrape/ to wade
abrasiverubbing away/ tending to grind down/ annoying
to abridgeto condense or shorten
to abrogateto abolish
to abscondto depart secretly and hide
absolutecomplete/ totally unlimited, certain
to absolveto pardon an offence
to abstainto refrain, to hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice