wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wrzesień 2.2
autor: tysiek
absternioussparing in eating and drinking, temperate
abstinencerestraint from eating or drinking
abstracttheoretical, not concrete, nonrepresentational
abstrudeobscure, profund, difficult to understand
abusivecoarsely insulting/ physically harmful
to abutto border upon, to adjoin
abyssenormous chasm, a vast bottomless pit
academicrelated to a school/ not practical or directly useful
to accedeto agree
to accelerateto move faster
accessibleeasy to approach, obtainable
accessoryadditional object, useful but not essential
to acclaimto applaud, to announce with great approval
to acclimateto adjust to a climate
acclivitysharp upslope of a hill
accoladeaward of merit
accomplicea partner in a crime
to accostto approach and speak first to a person
to accoutreto equip
accretiongrowth, increase
to accrueto come about by addition
acerbitybitterness of speech and temper
to acknowledgeto recognize, to admit
acidulousslightly sour, sharp, coustic
acmetop, pinnacle
acousticsscience of sound/ quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in
to acquiesceto assent, to agree without protesting
to acquireto get, to obtain
acquittaldeliverance from a charge
acridsharp, bitterly pungent
acrimoniousbitter in words or manner
acrophobiafear of heights
to actuateto motivate
acumenmental keenness
acutequickly perceptive, keen, brief and severe
adagewise saying, proverb
adamanthard, inflexible
to adaptto alter, to modify
addenduman addition or supplement
addictioncompulsive, habitual need
to addleto muddle/ to drive crazy/ to become rotten
to adressto direct a speech to sb/ to deal with or discuss
adept(adj.) expert at sth