angst | fear | |
pivotal | crucial, decisive | |
compounded | made worse | |
hones in on | focuses on | |
formative | developmental | |
muddled | jumbled, confused | |
elongated | legthy | |
keep at bay | keep at distance, avoid, stop | |
interlaced | connected | |
skirmishes | battles | |
hard-pressed | struggling | |
dilemma | problem | |
finer points | details | |
glimpse | glance, quick look | |
uprooted | wyrwany z korzeniami | |
empathize with | identify with | |
map out | point out | |
unknowingly | nieświadomie | |
excerpt | urywek, fragment | |
infectious | zaraźliwy | |
sit still | stay calm | |
stay put | do not interfere | |
endearing | endlessly | |
carve out | make space | |
gain the insight | zgłębiać | |
intrinsic | nieodłączny, inseparable |