wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wrzesień 3.1
autor: tysiek
adept atskillful at
to lavarageto use one's power effectively
pertinent torelevant to
to preachto try to persuade sb to accept sth
to sidestepto avoid, to dodge
to underpinto form the basis of sth
imageryusing figurative language to produce pictures in sb's mind
to debunkto show that sb's good reputation is undeserved
to lashto strike with a whip
to lash out on sbto attack
to lash out on sthto spend money freely
to lash sth to sthto fasten securely
the gearequipment
gamelybravely, but perhaps unsuccessfully
imminentbound to happen
to musterto gather
to donto put on, to dress
to be on a par withto be equal to
to be above/below parto be better/worse than usual
to brieveto give the necessary information or instructions
to coaxto persuade sb to do sth gently and gradually
to be at the cutting edgeto be the most advanced
free moral agentindividual choice (?)
tactilereferring to feeling and touching
tangiblethat can be touched/felt/proved
bodilyforcibly/ referring to body
with effectvalid
to think the world of sbto value sb greatly, to treat sb as a very important one
to waneto become weaker
to dissolveto make thinner by adding water/ to put an end to sth
to suspendto hold and decide later
to dispelto cause to vanish
to be crampednot to have enough space
to get round to doing sthto finally find time to do sth
to crack under pressureto lose control of your emotions
to waiveto disregard
to take one's leaveto leave
to employto hire/ to engage oneself into sth/ to make use of sth
to ply one's tradeto do sth regularly
hitchtemporary difficulty or problem
blissfullywith great happiness
to toilto work really hard
to striveto try hard to achieve sth
to wheel and dealto negotiate or bargain in a cleaver but dishonest way
to attainto achieve
to masterto learn to do sth very well
to pour scorn on sb/sthto speak of sb/sth with contempt
?to work at a skilled job
consistent withcompatible, corresponding with