wordki.pl - nauka słówek
październik 1.1
autor: tysiek
to adhereto stick fast
adherentsupporter, follower
adjacentadjoining, neighboring, close by
adjunctsth added on or attached
to admonishto warn, to reprove
to adornto decorate
adulationflattery, admiration
to adulterateto make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances
adventarrival of sth important
adventitiousaccidental, casual
adverseunfavorable, hostile
adversitypoverty, misfortune
advocacysupport/ active pleading on sth's behalf
to advocateto urge, to plead for
aerienest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk)
affableeasily approachable, warmly friendly
affectedartificial, pretended, assumed in order to impress
affidavitwritten statement made under oath
affiliationjoining, associating with
affirmationpositive assertion/ confirmation/ solemn pledge
to affixto fasten, to attach, to add on
afflictionstate of distress/ cause of suffering
affluenceabundance, wealth
affrontinsult, offense, intentional act of disrespect
aftermathconsequences, outcome, upshot
agendaitems of business at a meeting
agglomerationcollection, heap
to aggrandizeto increase or intensify