wordki.pl - nauka słówek
październik 1.2
autor: tysiek
to aggregateto gather, to accumulate
to agitateto stir up, to disturb
agnosticsb who is skeptical of the existence of God
agrarianpertaining to land or its cultivation
alacritycheerful promptness, eager readiness
alchemymedieval chemistry
alcovenook, small, recessed section of a room
aliasan assumed name
to alienateto make hostile, separate
alimentarysupplying nourishment
alimonypayment by a husband to his divorced wife
to allayto calm, to pacify
to allegeto state without proof
allegorya story which characters are used as symbols, fable
to alleviateto relieve
alliterationrepetition of beginning sound in poetry
to allocateto assign
alloya mixture as of metals
to alloyto mix
to alludeto refer indirectly
to allureto temp, to attract, to entice
allusionindirect reference
aloofapart, reserved, distanced
altercationnoisy quarrel, heated dispute
altruisticunselfishly generous
to amalgamateto combine, to unite in one body
to amassto collect
ambidexterouscapable of using either hand with equal ease
ambienceenvironment, atmosphere
ambiguousunclear or doubtful in meaning
ambivalencethe state of having contradictory attitudes
amblemoving at an easy pace
ambulatoryable to walk, not bedridden