wordki.pl - nauka słówek
vocab paź 2.1
autor: tysiek
to bilkto swindle, to cheat
billowingswelling out in waves, surging
bivouactemporary encampment
bizarrefantastic, violently contrasting
to blanchto bleach, to whiten
blandsoothing or mild/ agreeable
blareloud, harsh roar or screech/ dazzling blaze of light
blasebored with pleasure or dissipation
blasphemyirreverence, sacrilege, cursing
blatantflagrant, conspicuously obvious, loudly offensive
bleakcold or cheerless/ unlikely to be favorable
blightedsuffering from a disease, destroyed
blithegay, joyous, heedless
bloatedswollen or puffed as with water or air
bludgeonclub/ heavy-headed weapon
bluffpretense of strength, deception/ high cliff
bluff (adj)rough but good-natured
to blurtto utter impulsively
to blusterto blow in heavy gusts/ to threaten emptily, to bully
to bodeto foreshadow, to portend
boguscounterfeit, not authentic
bohemianunconventional in an artistic way
boisterousviolent, rough, noisy
to bolsterto support, to reinforce
boltdoor bar
to boltto dash or dart off/ to fasten a door/ to gobble down
bombardmentattack with missiles
bombasticpompous, using inflated language
boonblessing/ benefit
boorishrude, clownish
boundlessunlimited, vast
bountifulabundant, graciously generous