wordki.pl - nauka słówek
vocab październik 1.2
autor: tysiek
bourgeoismiddle class/ selfishly materialistic/ dully conventional
bovinecowlike/ placid and dull
to bowdlerizeto expurgate
to boycottto refrain from buying or using
to brandishto wave around/ to flourish
bravadoswagger/ assumed air of defiance
brawnmuscular strength, sturdiness
breachan instance of breaking a contract or duty
to breachto break
breadthwidth/ extent
brindledtawny or grayish with streaks or spots
bristlingrising like bristles/ showing irritation
brittleeasily broken/ difficult
to broachto introduce/ to open up
brochurepamphlet/ small piece of paper with ad
broochornamental clasp
to browbeatto bully, to intimidate
to browseto graze/ to skim or glance at casually
bruntmain impact or shock
brusqueblunt, abrupt
buffeta table with self-service food
to buffetto slap/ to batter/ to knock about
bulliongold and silver in the form of bars
bulwarkearthwork, strong defense/ a defender
bungalowsmall cottage
to bungleto mismanage/ to blunder
buoyantable to float/ cheerful and optimistic
bureaucracyover-regulated administrative system
to burgeonto grow forth/ to send out buds
to burlesqueto give and imitation that ridicules
burlyhusky, muscular
to burnishto make shiny, to polish