wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: jonakin
every single occurance of the wordtoken
you count the word only onceword type
carriers of meaninglexical words
conjuctions, prepositions, auxilary verbsfunctional words
don't carry meaning, "well, ok, uhm"inserts
doesn;t change the pattern "leaf- leaves"inflectional suffix
change the word class "child- childish"derrivational affixes
modifiertomorrow could be a [sunny] day *syntax
predicativetomorrow will be [sunny] *syntax
a notional part of speech expressing substance in the widest sense of itwhat is noun?
stem, suffix, prefixmorphology of the noun
head of the noun phrasesyntactic functions of the nouns
proper; common(countable uncountable)semantic classification of the nouns
number is the form of the noun which shows whether one ore more objects are meantwhat is number of the noun
simple noun(only stem) derivativemorphological division of the nouns
prepositional objectsyntactical f: He won't listen to [advice]
indirect objectsyntactical f: She gave [him] a book
an objective predicativesyntactical f: They elected him [president]
adverbal modifiersyntactical f: He spoke in a different tone
no, only plural- goes with the plural verbsingular of clothes
no, only plural- goes with the plural verbsingular of goods
no, only plural- goes with the plural verbsingular of belongings
no, only plural- goes with the plural verbsingular of arms(weapons)
no, only plural- goes with the plural verbsingular of congraulations
no, only plural- goes with the plural verbsingular of earnings( money you earn)
no, only plural- goes with the plural verbsingular of pains ( trud)
no, only plural- goes with the plural verbsingular of customs (you bring into country)
no, only plural- goes with the plural verbsingular of surroundings (environment)
no, only plural- goes with the plural verbsingular of remains (what left)
this is singular goes with a singular verbsingular of news
this is singular goes with a singular verbsingular of economics
this is singular goes with a singular verbsingular of mathematics
this is singular goes with a singular verbsingular of physics
this is singular goes with a singular verbsingular of statistics
this is singular goes with a singular verbsingular of billards and darts
this is singular goes with a singular verbsingular of gymnastics
this is singular goes with a singular verbsingular of measles
the same (the same spelling, two forms)singular of species
the same (the same spelling, two forms )singular of means
the same (the same spelling, two forms )singular of series (tv)
the same (the same spelling, two forms )singular of crossroads
saving- you bought sth cheaper ; savings -money you've collectedsaving vs savings
damage- uszkodzenie; damages- odszkodowaniedamage vs damages
pain- ból; pains- staraniapain vs pains
nosingular of spectacles
nosingular of trousers
nosingular of glasses
potatoesplurar of potato
tomatoesplurar of tomato
heroesplurar of hero
countriesplurar of country
storiesplurar of story
fliesplurar of fly
keysplurar of key
boysplurar of boy
toysplurar of toy
pianosplurar of piano
photosplurar of photo
cuckoosplurar of cuckoo
radiosplurar of radio
kilosplurar of kilo
wivesplurar of wife
livesplurar of life
knivesplurar of knife
wolvesplurar of wolf
calvesplurar of calf
shelvesplurar of shelf
leavesplurar of leaf
thievesplurar of thief
halvesplurar of half
roofsplurar of roof
cliffsplurar of cliff
gulfsplurar of gulf
proofsplurar of proof
safesplurar of safe
griefsplurar of grief
cuffsplurar of cuff
beliefsplurar of belief
sraves/ scarfsplurar of scarf
wharfs/wharvesplurar of wharf
hoofs/hoovesplurar of hoof
handerchieves/ handerchiefsplurar of handkerchief
liceplurar of louse
oxenplurar of ox
brethrenplurar of brother
deerplurar of deer
counselplurar of counsel
swineplurar of swine
craftplurar of craft( ships)
barracksplurar of barracks
pennies(oins) pence (amount)plurar of penny
after voiceless consonantswhen do you pronounce "s" "s"
after vowels, voiced consonantswhen do you pronounce "s" "Z"
"es"when do you pronounce "iz"
plural of bookcasebookcases
plural of tooth brushtooth brushes
plural of drawbackdrawbacks
plural of passer-bypassers-by
plural of writing tablewriting tables
plural of EnglishmanEnglishmen
plural of postmanpostmen
plural of forget-me-notforget-me-nots
plural of handfulhandfuls
plural of woman doctorwomen doctors
plural of father-in-lawfathers- in law
plural of hanger-onhangers-on
plural of looker onlookers-on/ onlookers
plural of woman-driverwomen-drivers
plural of man-servantmen-servant
plural of woman-doctorwomen-doctors
plural of man-eaterman-eaters
plural of woman-haterwoman-haters
plurar of agendumagenda
plural of analysisanalyses
phenomenaplural of phenomenon
basesplural of basis
dataplural of datum
hypothesesplural of hypothesis
strataplural of stratum
curriculums/curriculaplural of curriculum
memorandums/memorandaplural of memorandum
formulas/ formulaeplural of formula
crisesplural of crisis
this is singularsingular of gallows
this is singularsingular of summons
the same- name of deasesessingular of mumps, rickets, shingles
no, only pluralsingular of drawers
only pluralsingular of braces
nosingular of tongs
nosingular of proceedings
nosingular of credentials
nosingular of soapsuds
no , pluaralsingular of whereabouts
nosingular of goings on
nosingular of thanks
nosingular of oats
nosingular of winnings
nosingular of odds
nosingular of hangings
nosingular of stairs
zwyczaj vs importowanea custom, customs vs customs
power vs siły zbrojnea force, forces vs forces
przeciąg vs gradraughts vs a draughts
way, ways vs behavioura manner, manners vs manners
the sense of the story vs rulesa moral, morals vs morals