wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wrzesień uzupełnienie 2
autor: tysiek
short-livedlasting for a short period of time
vicariouslyfelt or experienced indirectly
to cut cornersto do things in an easiest, quickest way
at the expense offor the suffering of sth because of your action
laxtoo permissive
vibesmood or mental influence produced by a particular issue
perishablelikely to go bad easily
a host ofa lot of
illsproblems, misfortunes
to be stuntedto be prevented from growing or developing properly
bindinginvolving obligation
constraintrestriction, limitation
antiquatedobsolete, out of date
hypesensation, sth exaggerated
to defyto disobey
ballpark figuresa number that is only approximate
to bone up on sthto study for a specific purpose
subservientsubmissive, showing too much obedience
to ride pillion?
to have a bumpy rideto experience some problems, difficulties
allegiancean instance of being loyal
to spare a thoughtto give some reflection
to restrictto make stay in one place
to cramp into sthto fit in sth
banishmentan instance of being removed
deterrentsth that prevents from sth undesirable
to waverto hesitate
enterprisinghaving the ability to accept sth challenging
to ply?