wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wrzesień uzupełnienie 3
autor: tysiek
to recoilto draw oneself back in fear or disgust
recoila sudden backward movement
livelihoodincome, means of living
blithehappy and carefree
to keep sb at bayto hold sb in a safe distance
prodigiousgreat in size, amount or degree
apprenticesb that learns how to do a particular job
ever-increasingalways increasing
to positto suggest, to postulate, to assume sth as a fact
to ascendto go up
to descendto go down
the bedrock valuesfundamental, basic
to juggleto change the arrangement of sth constantly
a raft ofa large amount or number
mind-numbingmaking unable to think clearly
to overtaxto put huge taxes/ to do more than one is able to do
to hold in checkto put sb in control
to empowerto give the necessary power to do sth
whistle-blowersb who tells the public or sb in authority about alleged dishonest, illegal activities
a surfeit of sthtoo much of sth
staycationa holiday that is spent at home
to bemoanto show sorrow for sth or sb/ to complain
information fatiguetoo much of information
a barrage of stha large number of sth
ramblingdisconected, not keeping to the subject
to debilitateto make sb less intelligent/ to make sb very weak
to chafe atto become irritated or impatient
influxa sudden flow of people or things
normativedescribing or setting standards/ rules that should be followed
stasisequilibrium/ a state of inactivity
salientmain, the most important
info-gluta situation in which supply excedes demand
to default to do sthto fail to do what one is supposed to do
there's the rubhere's the difficulty or drawback
the rule of thumba practical method of assessing things
to tap intoto draw on/ to make use of sth
surefirecertain to happen, imminent
to separate the wheat from the chaffto distinguish valuable things from worthless ones
warped by sthdistorted or biased by sth