wordki.pl - nauka słówek
październik uzupełnienie 1
autor: tysiek
twangynasal sounding speech
to assuageto make sth less severe, to soothe
hiccup of sthsmall problem or difficulty
to endowto provide sb naturally with sth
one's stance on sthone's standing point, attitude towards sth
scaffoldinga system of metal tubes used to get the higher level of the building
to tweakto pinch and twist sth sharply
tacitquiet, silent
to bickerto quarrel upon unimportant things
in situunaltered, unchanged
a smattering ofa slight knowledge of
in a nutshellin short, in a few words
to reifyto regard usually and abstract thing as if it had concrete, material existence
to harborto hide
in full swingfully active
prior tobefore
to retainto be able to remember sth for a long time
cessationan instance of stopping
flimsyslight and thin, not strong enough for particular purpose
flimsy evidence(of evidence) unconvincing, weak
to eyeball sthto stare at sth, to look closely at
hassledifficulty, struggle
to bopto dance to pop music
to move at snail-like speedto move slowly
glutesmuscles of the buttock
absmuscles of abdomenon
to concedeto admit
impendingabout to happen
calamityserious misfortune, disaster
to hobbleto prevent sth from developing
a middle-of-the-road viewnot exciting, ordinary
a washa situation in which neither side wins
to retreatto withdraw after defeat
to go into retreatto go into a place that is faraway from everyday life
to trumpetto proclaim loudly and forcibly
to vilifyto slender
transientbrief, lasting for a short period of time
to be explicit about sthto say clearly, openly about sth