wordki.pl - nauka słówek
październik 3.1
autor: tysiek
to pay lip-serviceto say that you support sth but in fact you don't
to fade into oblivionto gradually become forgotten
benchmarka point of reference
the chawfood (informal)
not to give a hoot about sthnot to care about sth at all
rollingnoisy and lively, pleasant
discordancedisonance, disagreement
to be concordant withto be in agreement with
to lowballto underestimate, to understate
snugglecomfortable, soft, ready to cuddle
to misfireto fail ot have the desired effect
afttowards, in near
a spike ofan abrupt increase or rise
tactileof the sense of touch
wondermentamazement, surprise
not leastespecially
to stampto put one's foot heavily on the ground
to generateto cause, to produce
to surrenderto give up
tirelessputting a lot of hard work and energy
restlessunable to sit still
when it comes to the crunchwhen a difficult moment comes
to summonto gather, to muster
to fade awayto make gradually disappear
rallya public meeting to support a cause/ car race
to clamp downto try to control sth dangerous
to peter outto withdraw gradually
to fob offto give sb the thing that is not what he really wants
the length and breadtheverywhere
siegean instance of surrounding ex. a town
to meritto deserve
to run sth downto criticise
to call offto cancel
to turn sth downto decline, to refuse
to laugh sth offto treat sth as unimportant, trivial
to disseminateto spread
to put downto lower
to write offto treat sth as useless
to send upto imitate
to feel off colournot to feel very well
insubstantialweak, unimportant
to rubto cause sth to move over some surface
to scrubto remove from a surface
to despair of sthto lose all hope
to loatheto abhor
to relinquishto give up
dismalgloomy, miserable
to sink to the floorto fall down
to relish sthto take great pleasure, joy
to pick on sbto be deliberately unkind to sb
to hoardto collect and store/ to keep sth secretly
a wealth of stha great amount
well and trulycompletely
prospect oflikelihood
to swindleto cheat to get money
to dimto darken, to become less light