wordki.pl - nauka słówek
październik 4.1
autor: tysiek
salvationan instance of saving
to seek sanctuaryto seek refuge
to repudiateto refuse to accept sth
repudiationan instance of refusing to accept
to disdainto contempt
disinclinationan instance of being unlikely to do sth
expedientuseful, helpful
egregiousexceptional (of bad things only)
munificentextremely generous
circumspectcautious, wary
insipidlacking in taste
a calumnya slander
a dearth ofa shortage of
an insurgencea rebellion, an uprising
an inhibitionan instance of making sb unable to behave naturally
a misanthropesb who hates people
a nonentityan unimportant person
clemencymercy/ mildness (of climate)
incipientin its early stage
fatuousstupid, silly
inanewithout meaning, silly, senseless
mercantileof merchant
to deploreto condemn ?
to ponderto muse
to surpressto tame
speciousthat seems right, but actually is wrong
dormanttemporarily inactive
gratuitousdone unnecessarily, without good reason
to enervateto cause sb to lose strength or energy
opulenceabundance, copiousness
timelinessrelevance, suitability (it has to do with time)
effervescenceexcitedness, liveliness
to accomplishto achieve
pedestriandull, uninteresting
to enthrallto excite, to captivate
auspiciousfavourable, promising
volatileunstable, fickle
acerbicharsh, sharp
to replenishto refill