wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: martaa34
back sb upsupport sb morrally
back out of sthtry to avoid doing sth when you promised to do it
back on tooverlooks it from the back windows
back away fromshrink back in fear from
back downapologise
be aroundbe still in the same place and be able to be contacted
be out tobe aiming very seriously to do sth
be through withwant no more to do with sth or sb
be offleave be cancelled finish work go bad of meat butter
be up to sth/no goodbe doing sth mischievous or dishonest
be behind with (one's work)allowed more and more work to accumulate
be in forbe going to get sth unpleasant
be ontake place of concerts exhibitions etc
be over at (a friend's house)be on a visit to a friend's house
be behind it allbe really responsible for it
be on to sb about sthbe continually criticising sb about sth
be well up on sthknow a lot about sth
break upbegin school holiday a fight-interrupt and stop it disintegrate a car-knock it into pieces of weathe
the outbreakbeginning of sth bad like wars epidemics
break oneself of a habitforce oneself to give it up
break with sbstop having anything to do with sb
break with traditiondo sth quite different or new
break the news to sbtell sb some bad news as gently as possible
break the back of sthhave done most of it and all the hardest part
break throughappeared through the clouds - sun
a break-throughmajor discovery in research etc
a lucky breakstroke of luck generally for a criminal
drive at breakneck speeddrive dangerously fast
bring up a childteach it manners, speech ect
upbringingeducation by parents
bring up a subjectraise it start talking about it
bring up sb's foodbe sick vomit
bring sth aboutcause sth to happen
bring sth oncause sth to happen generally used of illnesses
bring sb roundinvite sb to accompany you on a visit, help sb recover consciousness after fainting
bring sb round to one's way of thinkingpersuade sb to accept the rightness of yr ideas
bring sb through an illnesscure sb of an illness