I haven't thought of that | nie myslalem o tym | |
Well I guess | coz ,sadze | |
I believe that | mysle ,ze | |
I'm not quite sure | nie jestem pewien | |
Well let's me think for a moment | coz, pozwol mi pomyslec | |
That's a very interesting question | to bardzo ciekawe pytanie | |
My favourite is | moja ulubiona | |
I'm really into | naprawde jestem zainteresowany | |
I like/am kenn on | jestem zainteresowany | |
I don't mind | nie mam nic przeciwko | |
I hate | nienawidze | |
I can't stand | nie moge zniesc | |
I love/adore | uwielbiam | |
I'm going to | mam zamiar | |
I will probably | prawdopodobnie | |
I would like to | chcialbym | |
I'm thinking of | mysle teraz o | |
can you repeat please | mozesz powtorzyc | |
I'm not sure I underastand you | nie jestem pewien czy cie rozumie | |
How about | a co sadzisz o | |
what do you think of | co sadzisz o | |
I suggest | ja sugeruje | |
would you like to | czy chcialabys | |
Why don't we | a moze by tak | |
I could also | ja moglbym takze | |
It might be a good idea to | to bylby dobry pomysl | |
another suggestion would be to | kolejnym pomyslem mogloby byc | |
It may be useful to | moze byc uzyteczne aby | |
let's go | chocmy | |
let's drink | napijmy sie | |
one the one hand | z jednej strony | |
on the other hand | z drugiej strony | |
from my point of view | z mojego punktu widzenia | |
as far as my opinion goes | jesli chodzi o moje zdanie | |
as for me | jesli chodzi o mnie | |
taking my point of view into account | biorac pod uwage moj punkt widzenia | |
to be frank | szczerze mowiac | |
in general | ogolnie rzecz biorac | |
all in all | podsumowujac | |
fortunately | na szczescie | |
unfortunately | niestety | |
I must admit that | musze przyznac ze | |
I seems to me that | wydaje mi sie ze | |
It is obvious that | jest oczywiste ze | |
We need to weigh up the pros and cons | musimy rozwazyc plusy i minusy | |