wordki.pl - nauka słówek
definitions from the book Unit 1 corporate culture
autor: karolik
cut-throatfierce, not involving consideration or care about any harm caused to others
get-togethersinformal meetings
sink or swimsucceed or fail without help
red tapepaperwork
publicly accountableresponsible to the governmet
streamliningmaking more efficient
dotcominternet company
yardstickstandard by which you can judge the success of something
rat tacestruggle of individuals in a competitive invironment
start outbegin
talk things throughdiscuss throughly
come up with ideas and solutionsproduce ideas and solutions
stick to the rulesfollow
get aheadmake progress
it boils down tothe essential thing is
autocraticdemands total obidience from staff
do things by bookfollow the rules exactly
visionview of how company will be in future
boardgroup of people appointed to manage a company
bottom-line performancewhether the company makes a profit or not
revenuesmoney made from sales
make workers redunduntdismiss workers
shareholderspeople who own shares in company
returnthe amount of profit on the investment