wordki.pl - nauka słówek
listopad 1.1
autor: tysiek
to earmark for sthto choose for a particular purpose
clearancean instance of knocking sb down
to dispatchto send
to lag behindto go too slowly
to thrustto push sb violently
to shoveto push roughly
to heaveto lift sth heavy
to jerkto pull sb suddenly and quickly
crux of a matterthe essential part of sth
the gist of sththe main point of sth
in voguein fashion
to reboundto bounce back
rallyan assembly/ a car race
to lugto carry behind you
to proclaimto make publically known
to bragto boast about
to trumpetto announce loudly
to hailto acknowledge commonly/ to stop/ to come from
a rusea trick used to achieve sth in a deceitful way
dismaydisappointment, unhappiness
putativebelieved or accepted by all
to concedeto agree
verbiagean instance of using too many words
to babbleto chatter idly
to badgerto pester, to annoy
badinageteasing conversation
to baffleto frustrate, to perplex
to baitto harass, to tease
balefuldeadly, having a malign influence, ominous
to balkto foil, to thwart, to stop short, to refuse to go on
ballastheavy substance used to add stability or weight
balmsth that relieves pain
balmymild, fragrant
banalhackneyed, commonplace, trite
to bandyto discuss lightly or glibly/ to exchange words heatedly
banecause of ruin, curse
banteringgood-natured ridiculing
barbsharp projection from fishhook/ openly cutting remark