wordki.pl - nauka słówek
listopad 1.2
autor: tysiek
baroquehighly ornate
barragebarrier laid down by artillery fire
barrendesolate, fruitless and unproductive, lacking
to baskto luxuriate, to take pleasure in warmth
bastionfortress, defense
to bateto let down, to restrain
baubletrinket, triffle
bawdyindecent, obscene
beatificgiving bliss, blissful
beatitudeblessedness, state of bliss
to bedizento dress with vulgar finery
to bedraggleto wet thoroughly, to stain with mud
to make a beeline for sthto go by direct, quick route
to befuddleto confuse thoroughly
to begetto father, to produce, to give rise to
to begrudgeto resent
to beguileto mislead or delude/ to pass time
behemothhuge creature, monstrous animal