wordki.pl - nauka słówek
listopad 1.4
autor: tysiek
bereftdeprieved of/ lacking
to go berserkto be frenzied, extremely angry
to beseechto beg, to plead with
to besetto harass or trouble/ to hem in
to besiegeto surround with armed forges/ to harass with requests
to besmirchto soil, to defile
bestialbeastlike, brutal
to bestow upon sbto give sth to sb
to betokento signify, to indicate
to betrayto be unfaithful/ to reveal
to betrothto become engaged to marry
bevya large group
biasedslanted, prejudiced
bicameraltwo-chambered as a legislative body
to bickerto quarrel
biennialevery two years
bigotrystubborn intolerance
bilioussuffering from indigestion/ irritable