wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: maniek
set fire to sthmake sth start burning
catch firestart to burn
the fire broke outthe fire started
to be on fireto be burning
the fire spreadthe fire moved and covered a larger area
burst into flamessuddenly begin burning strongly
go up in flamesbe destroyed by fire
the fire/flames died downthe fire/flames became weak
put out the fire(phrasal) stop the fire burning
extinguish the fire(fml.) stop the fire burning
forest firesfires that occur in forests during hot summer months
light a firestart a fire for a purpose (e.g. in a fireplace or garden)
the fire went outthe fire stopped burning
the lights went outświatła zgasły
put the cigarette outzgaś papierosa
A fight broke outwybuchła walka
burst into tearswybuchnąć płaczem
the disease spread easilychoroba łatwo się rozprzestrzeniła
the noise died downthe noise became weak
the fire brigadebrygada strażacka
timberdrewniany (np. dach)
considerable/extensive/widespread damagea lot of damage
take measureszrobić pomiary
torrential rainvery heavy rain
gale-force windsvery strong winds
considerable/great difficultya lot of difficulty
strong accenta very noticeable accent
slight accentopp. strong accent
great honouran action or occasion that creates a feeling of pride
real/ special/ concerted efforta big effort
main / principal concernbiggest worry
growing concernan increasing concern
familiar facea person who you recognize and know
brief summarya short statement giving the main points of sth
classic/ perfect examplea very typical example of sth
srtong/fierce/widespread criticism over stha lot of disapproval from others (+ prepos.)
utter/total chaosa state of complete confusion
have a narrow escapeuciec w ostatniej chwili
real eyesorea building or object that is very unpleasant to look at
eyecandyopp. of real eyesore
take offence at sthshow you are angry or upset about sth. or feeling insulted by it
make it clear thatsay sth to make sb understand a situation
do no such thingrefuse to do the thing you have been asked to do
reach an agreementsuccessfully arrive at an agreement
reach a conclusion/ compromise/ verdictdość do wniosku, kompromisu, wyroku
face a prospect of/thatrecognize the possibility that sth may happen
settle a dispute/ argumentend an argument between people
hold sb responsible for sththink that sb should be blamed for sth
take the blame for sthaccept responsibility for sth
reach the point where/ whenarrive at a time or stage at which sth happens
back downstop asking for sth, or stop saying you will do sth
entirely differentcałkowicie różny
entirely responsiblecałkowicie odpowiedzialny
agree entirelycałkowicie się zgadzać
not entirely surenie do końca pewny
not entirely happynie do końca szczęśliwy
not entirely satisfiednie do końca usatysfakcjonowany
relinquishgive up (e.g. the desire)
take the leadobjąć prowadzenie
to be skilled atmieć jakąś umiejętność
falterwahać się, słabnąć
anticipateprzewidywać, oczekiwać
fleetingchwilowy, przelotny
snap into actionwziąć się do roboty/ dojść do głosu
leakycieknący, nieszczelny
overestimatethink something is bigger or better than it really is
onto be based ... (prep)
atto be skilled ... (prep)
betweenan obstacle ... people (prep)
againstdefend ... (prep)
toIt may lead ... the results (prep)
toIt makes little difference ... our future happiness (prep)
toadapt ... (prep)
do / get - togethera friendly informal meeting or party
a (good) laughan enjoyable experience
a (bit of a) draga boring or annoying occasion or situation
lousybad, unpleasant, or of poor quality (film, weather etc.)
quida pound (sing and pl)
rip-offa thing that is not worth what you pay for it
rip sb offzdzierać z kogoś
tight - fisted / tight / stingynot generous with money
vile / disgustingvery bad or unpleasant (e.g. smell)
bloke / guya man
a (real) pain / a pin in the neckan annoying person or situation
moan (about sth)complain (about sth) in a way that annoys people
looa toilet
pinch/ nick sthsteal sth