wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: anya
to mind one's Ps and Qsto make an effort to be polite
elders and betterspeople older than you
courtesypoliteness (adj courteous)
prim or starchy/ strait-laced and prissyvery formal and correct, without humour
etiquetteformal rules of behaviour
gentlemanly/ ladylikepolite in a rather formal way
social gracespolite behaviour
the done thinginformal phrase for socially acceptable behaviour
oiling the wheels ofmaking easier
offhandcasual, slightly rude (obcesowy,nieuprzejmy)
stand on ceremonyinsist on formal behabiour
flutter your eyelashesflirting- female behaviour towards men (trzepotać rzęsami)
raise your or other's eyebrowsindicates surprise or shock
twitchindicates nervousness (drgać)
flinchindicates pain or fear (wzdrygać się)
squirmindicates embarassment or nervousness (wiercić się)
smirkindicates self-satisfaction 9uśmiechać się pogardliwie)
beamindicates happiness (uśmiechać się promiennie)
sniff at sthindicates disapproval (pociągać nosem)
snortindicates disgust or great amusement (prychać)
titterindicates nervousness (chichotać)
snigger/ chortle/ guffaw/ gigglechichotać
glower/ scowl/ frown/ glarepatrzeć wilkiem
gawp/ ogle/ scan/ leerspoglądać pożądliwie
whimper/ sniffle/ sob your heart out/ grizzlekwilić, szlochać