to mind one's Ps and Qs | to make an effort to be polite | |
elders and betters | people older than you | |
courtesy | politeness (adj courteous) | |
prim or starchy/ strait-laced and prissy | very formal and correct, without humour | |
etiquette | formal rules of behaviour | |
gentlemanly/ ladylike | polite in a rather formal way | |
social graces | polite behaviour | |
the done thing | informal phrase for socially acceptable behaviour | |
oiling the wheels of | making easier | |
offhand | casual, slightly rude (obcesowy,nieuprzejmy) | |
stand on ceremony | insist on formal behabiour | |
flutter your eyelashes | flirting- female behaviour towards men (trzepotać rzęsami) | |
raise your or other's eyebrows | indicates surprise or shock | |
twitch | indicates nervousness (drgać) | |
flinch | indicates pain or fear (wzdrygać się) | |
squirm | indicates embarassment or nervousness (wiercić się) | |
smirk | indicates self-satisfaction 9uśmiechać się pogardliwie) | |
beam | indicates happiness (uśmiechać się promiennie) | |
sniff at sth | indicates disapproval (pociągać nosem) | |
snort | indicates disgust or great amusement (prychać) | |
titter | indicates nervousness (chichotać) | |
snigger/ chortle/ guffaw/ giggle | chichotać | |
glower/ scowl/ frown/ glare | patrzeć wilkiem | |
gawp/ ogle/ scan/ leer | spoglądać pożądliwie | |
whimper/ sniffle/ sob your heart out/ grizzle | kwilić, szlochać | |