race, dash, tear | going somewhere very quickly on foot or by means of transport | |
nip, pop, zip, dart, whizz | suggesting fast movement but mainly used for going short distances | |
bolt | fast movement over a short distance but with association of running away from sth | |
career | sth moving rapidly and out of control | |
scamper, scurry, scuttle | small, rapid steps; a lot of small animals together | |
speed up, accelerate | speed is increasing (przyspieszyć) | |
plunge, plummet | downward movement and speed | |
soar, rocket | fast, upward movement | |
slump, tumble | rapid, downward movement | |
crawl, creep | movement is slow | |
totter | fairly slow movement, unsteady one (zachwiać się) | |
sidle | walk anxiously and nervously (podchodzic ukradkiem?) | |
dawdle | move more slowly than is necessary (guzdrać się) | |
crawl | czołgać się | |
creep | skradać się | |
slump | spaść | |
tumble | spadać | |
soar | wzrastać gwałtownie | |
rocket | skoczyć w górę | |
plummet | zniżkować | |
plunge | gwałtownie spadać | |
scurry | pomknąć | |
scamper/ scuttle | potruchtać | |
career | pędzic | |
bolt | rzucać się do ucieczki | |
zip/ whizz | śmigać | |
nip/ pop | wyskoczyć | |
dart | popędzić | |
race | ścigać | |
dash/ tear | popędzić | |