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autor: Aguus1988
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acccede to sthaccept, often associated with initial unwillingness to do so
acquiesce in sthpermit sth to hapen, often associated with a degree of secrecy or conspiracy
assent to sthagree to do sth, oftern associated with plans, proposals, ideas
authorise sthgive official permission
condone sthapprove or allow sth which most people consider to be wrong
countenance doing sthconsider giving assent or permission often used in negative context
endorsegive official approval to sth
to be given carte blanche to do sthformal: complete freedom to do whatever they think necessary
to give the go-ahead for , to give the green lightinformal: to give permission for sth to start (x2)
to be barred from doing sthto be officialy excluded, to be forbidden access to sth
to clamp down on sthto use one's full power to prevent or limit sth
to outlawto make sth illegal
to veto sthto use one's official power to forbid
to lift embargo on sthto cancel an official prohibition for sth
franchisepermission to operate some sort of service or commercial activity, usually for a set period of time
zero-tolerance of sthnot even the smallest crime or misbehaviour will be allowed
sanctionsrestrictions on some activity
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