recorded sightings | times seen that have been officially written down | |
sustained | kept alive or supported | |
rodents | small animals including rats, mice, squirrels | |
expenditure | spending - wydatki | |
factor | number by which another number or quantity or quantity is multiplies (mnożnik) | |
quadrupled | x4 | |
IQ | intelligence quotient (measure of intelligence) | |
per | for each (used when expressing rates, prices or measurements) | |
aggregate | total | |
to aggregate | to add up all the different amounts | |
blip | temporary change (krótki skok w górę) | |
continuum (eg. of colour from red to violet) | sth that changes gradually or in a very slight stages, without distinct divisions | |
correlation between sth and sth | connection between facts of things which cause or affect each other | |
to deviate from sth | to move away from the standard or accepted pattern | |
a dicrepancy between | difference between two things that should be the same (rozbieżność) | |
to be erratic | to be not regular and often changing suddenly | |
to be flawed | to be inaccurate | |
to fluctuate | to go up and down | |
five-fold | pomnożony przez 5 | |
in inverse propotion to sth | in opposite proportion to | |
be inconsistent with | not in agreement with | |
to seesaw | to go up and down (huśtać się, chwiać ) | |
ballpark figure of sth | guess believed to be accurate | |
to tot eth up | to add eth up (less formal) | |
to run into six figures | to get a figure over 100,000 | |
variables | different factors that may change planned figures (zmienne) | |
projected figures | planned figures | |
to err on the side of caution | to be cautious, do the thing that is safe instead of taking a risk | |
to round things down | to make, say 2.5 into 2 rather that 3 (zaokrąglać w dół) | |
conservative | cautious | |
deviation, deviant | to deviate (noun+adj) | |
discrepant | discrepancy (adj) | |
flaw, flawed | to flaw (noun+adj) | |
inversion, inverse | to invert (noun+adj) | |
inconsistent | inconsistency (adj) | |
error, erratic | to err (noun+adj) | |