wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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autor: Aguus1988
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recorded sightingstimes seen that have been officially written down
sustainedkept alive or supported
rodentssmall animals including rats, mice, squirrels
expenditurespending - wydatki
factornumber by which another number or quantity or quantity is multiplies (mnożnik)
IQintelligence quotient (measure of intelligence)
perfor each (used when expressing rates, prices or measurements)
to aggregateto add up all the different amounts
bliptemporary change (krótki skok w górę)
continuum (eg. of colour from red to violet)sth that changes gradually or in a very slight stages, without distinct divisions
correlation between sth and sthconnection between facts of things which cause or affect each other
to deviate from sthto move away from the standard or accepted pattern
a dicrepancy betweendifference between two things that should be the same (rozbieżność)
to be erraticto be not regular and often changing suddenly
to be flawedto be inaccurate
to fluctuateto go up and down
five-foldpomnożony przez 5
in inverse propotion to sthin opposite proportion to
be inconsistent withnot in agreement with
to seesawto go up and down (huśtać się, chwiać )
ballpark figure of sthguess believed to be accurate
to tot eth upto add eth up (less formal)
to run into six figuresto get a figure over 100,000
variablesdifferent factors that may change planned figures (zmienne)
projected figuresplanned figures
to err on the side of cautionto be cautious, do the thing that is safe instead of taking a risk
to round things downto make, say 2.5 into 2 rather that 3 (zaokrąglać w dół)
deviation, deviantto deviate (noun+adj)
discrepantdiscrepancy (adj)
flaw, flawedto flaw (noun+adj)
inversion, inverseto invert (noun+adj)
inconsistentinconsistency (adj)
error, erraticto err (noun+adj)
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