a snag | szkopuł | |
a hitch | drobna komplikacja | |
a setback | przeszkoda | |
a glitch | drobna usterka | |
stumbling block | sth that prevents action of agreement, przeszkoda, zawada | |
pitfall | unexpected difficulty, pułapka , często plural | |
obstacle | anything that stops progress, either literally or metaphorically | |
impdiment | sth that prevents free action, progress of movement, wada, kalectwo, przeszkoda | |
dilemma | situation where a difficult choice has to be made between two, sometimes unpleasent alternatives | |
ordeal | severe experience, which is very difficult, painful or tiring, gehenna | |
adversity | niedola, tarapaty, przeciwność losu, trudności życiowe (more formal) | |
hardship | cierpienia, trudności (more formal) | |
affliction | niedola, nieszczęście, dolegliwość (more formal) | |
tribulation | udręka (more formal) | |
abstruse | difficult to understand - theory,argument,philosopher | |
arduous | difficult, titing, needing much effort - climb, task, journey | |
complex | difficult to understand as it has many parts - issue, problem, theory, process | |
convoluted | unreasonably tiring and difficult - journey, work, match, expedition - zawiły, zagmatwany | |
gruelling | extremely tiring and difficult - journey, work, match, expedition - wyczerpujący | |
obstructive | causing deliberate difficulties - person, measure - blokujący, stwarzający problemy | |
insufferable | difficult to bear as it is annoying or uncomfortable - behaviour, heat, boredom, pain | |
stiff | difficult to beat - opposition, competition - nieustępliwy, zacięty | |
tough | difficult to deal with or do - time, job, climate, decision | |
traumatic | shocking and upsetting - experience, past, childhood | |
wayward | changeable, selfish and/or hard to control - behaviour, child, person - krnąbrny, kapryśny | |
what a pain! / what a drag! | what a nuisance! (colloquial) x2 | |
what's eating him? / what's got into him? / what's bugging him? / what's (up) with him? | what's the matter with him? (colloquial) x4 | |
the hassle of doing sth | situation causing trouble or difficulty (colloquial) - kłopot, zawracanie głowy | |
to hassle sb for sth | to pester (gnębić, męczyć) sb, ask again and again for sth (colloquial) - zawracać głowę | |
to slog(your guts out), to grind(zakuwać), to graft(harować), to flog yourself to death | to work hard (colloquial) x4 | |
in a fix, in a spot, in a hole, up against it, up to one's neck | in a difficult situation (colloquial) x5 | |
sticky, tricky | difficult (colloquial) x2 | |
to be off the hook, in the clear, out of the wood(s) | to be freed from a difficult sitation (colloquial) x3 | |