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autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
a snagszkopuł
a hitchdrobna komplikacja
a setbackprzeszkoda
a glitchdrobna usterka
stumbling blocksth that prevents action of agreement, przeszkoda, zawada
pitfallunexpected difficulty, pułapka , często plural
obstacleanything that stops progress, either literally or metaphorically
impdimentsth that prevents free action, progress of movement, wada, kalectwo, przeszkoda
dilemmasituation where a difficult choice has to be made between two, sometimes unpleasent alternatives
ordealsevere experience, which is very difficult, painful or tiring, gehenna
adversityniedola, tarapaty, przeciwność losu, trudności życiowe (more formal)
hardshipcierpienia, trudności (more formal)
afflictionniedola, nieszczęście, dolegliwość (more formal)
tribulationudręka (more formal)
abstrusedifficult to understand - theory,argument,philosopher
arduousdifficult, titing, needing much effort - climb, task, journey
complexdifficult to understand as it has many parts - issue, problem, theory, process
convolutedunreasonably tiring and difficult - journey, work, match, expedition - zawiły, zagmatwany
gruellingextremely tiring and difficult - journey, work, match, expedition - wyczerpujący
obstructivecausing deliberate difficulties - person, measure - blokujący, stwarzający problemy
insufferabledifficult to bear as it is annoying or uncomfortable - behaviour, heat, boredom, pain
stiffdifficult to beat - opposition, competition - nieustępliwy, zacięty
toughdifficult to deal with or do - time, job, climate, decision
traumaticshocking and upsetting - experience, past, childhood
waywardchangeable, selfish and/or hard to control - behaviour, child, person - krnąbrny, kapryśny
what a pain! / what a drag!what a nuisance! (colloquial) x2
what's eating him? / what's got into him? / what's bugging him? / what's (up) with him?what's the matter with him? (colloquial) x4
the hassle of doing sthsituation causing trouble or difficulty (colloquial) - kłopot, zawracanie głowy
to hassle sb for sthto pester (gnębić, męczyć) sb, ask again and again for sth (colloquial) - zawracać głowę
to slog(your guts out), to grind(zakuwać), to graft(harować), to flog yourself to deathto work hard (colloquial) x4
in a fix, in a spot, in a hole, up against it, up to one's neckin a difficult situation (colloquial) x5
sticky, trickydifficult (colloquial) x2
to be off the hook, in the clear, out of the wood(s)to be freed from a difficult sitation (colloquial) x3
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