wordki.pl - nauka słówek
unit 6
autor: karolik
broad scope of productswide range of products
to compete on pricekonkurowac w cenie
to get stuck in the middlefail to implement strategy
sell at a losssprzedać coś ze stratą
to lose market share to competitorsstracic mejsce na rynku na rzecz konkurentow
healthy profit margindobra marza zysku
gentelmenly and cosy competitionuprzejmna konkurencja
to charge pricesto ask, to demand prices
to follow suitisc w slad
strategic alliancesstrategiczny sojusz
join venturewspólne przedsięwzięcie
recriminationwzajemne oskarżanie się,
money spinnersmaszynki do robienia pieniedzy
incompatible culturerozne culture
overheadkoszty ogólne
utility billsrachunki za
barriers to entrybariery wejscia
saturated marketnasycony rynek
untapped marketnowy, new market
mergerfuzja, two companies join each other
proven trackdotychczasowe wyniki. record
tendersoferta przetargowa
to put a project out to tenderoglosic przetarg
to submit a tenderzlozyc oferte
procurementzaopatrzenie sie w cos, the obtaining of supplies or services
assessocenić ,oszacować
itemiseto list things separately
specificationsdetailed description of how smth should be done
feeoplata, amount of maney paied for a particular piece of work
spreadsheetarkusz kalkulacyjny,
to bidto compete against other firms by offering to do job for a certain amount of money
rapportbliski kontakt (z kimś), wzajemne zrozumienie
benchmarkstandard, measure the quality of smth by comparing with smth else of an accepted standard
bid foroffer to do some work at a particular price
come out withproduce
go aboutapproach the problem
put togetherprepare, organise
team up withwork together with
work outcalculate