neo-imperialism | a modern form of imperialism |
atheist | a person who believes there is no God |
foretaste | an indication about what is to happen in the future |
hypermarket | an extremely large supermarket |
hypertension | very high blood pressure |
a foregone conclusion | conclusion which was known |
asymmetrical | asymetryczny |
neo-fascist | someone who believes in the old Fascist ideas |
fascist | faszysta |
uni/mono- | one |
duo/bi- | two |
tri- | three |
quad/qart- | four |
pent/quin- | five |
sex- | six |
sept- | seven |
oct- | eight |
non- | nine |
dec- | ten |
cent- | hundred |
uniform | mundur |
decade | dekada |
century | wiek |
quadrangle | czworokąt |
monocle | monokl |
tricycle | rower trójkołowy |
biped | dwunożny |
quadruped | czworonożny |
binoculars | lornetka |
tripod | statyw, trójnóg |
octopus | ośmiornica |
monorail | kolej jednoszynowa |
sextet | sekstet (zespół 6 wykonawców) |
quintet | kwintet |
quartet | kwartet |
trio | tercet |
bigamy | bigamia, dwużenstwo |
bilingual | dwujęzyczny |
pentathlon | pięciobój |
septuagenarian | osoba między 70 a 79 rokiem życia |
duologue | dialog |
monologue | monolog |
nonagenarian | osoba między 90 a 99 rokiem życia |
centenarian | stulatek |
octogenarian | osiemdziesięciolatek |
triplets | trojaczki |