wordki.pl - nauka słówek
suffixes 2
autor: staszek123
worthydeserving, fit for
likesimilar to
northernmostpołożony najdalej na północ
praiseworthychwalebny, godny pochwały
ladylikewytworny, zniewieścialy
box-likepodobne do pudła
trustworthygodny zaufania
newsworthywarty opublikowania
a business-like mannera practical manner
his foremost thoughthis main thought
a roadworthy cara car that is fit for use on the road
a noteworthy commenta comment worth making a note
a life-like statuea statue which looks almost alive
outermost defencesthe defence furthest out from the centre/obrona zewn
wardsin the direction of
esquelike, in the manner of
somecausing, making
troublesomedokuczliwy, nieznośny
heavenwardsw niebo
picturesquemalowniczy, barwny (widok, jezyk etc)
southwardsna południe
awesomerobiący wrażenie, fantastyczny
seawardskierowany ku morzu
wearisomenudny, męczący
quarrelsome boysboys who are always quarreling
outwardly confidentapparently confident
a statuesque figurea figure as impressive as a statue
a downward movementa movement towards the ground
a tiresome persona person who makes u tired
a Kafkaesque novela novel in a style of the writer kafka
downwardw dół