wordki.pl - nauka słówek
październik uzupełneinie
autor: tysiek
presumptuoustoo bold or sure of oneself
to go from strength to strengthto prosper well
unrulydifficult to control
?of little importance/ trivial
east-offsthings that can be discarted, no longer wanted or used
cachea place to hide food
to be at pains to do sthto try hard to achieve sth
backwatera place not affected by change
well-receivedapproved of
loutof sb who is clumsy, volver, with bad manners
to ventureto risk, to find courage to do sth
durablesthings that can last for a long period of time
diffidentshy, not self confident
equablesb who is calm and not easily annoyed
to incinerateto burn
to oozeto flow out of sth slowly
providentialhappening just when you need it, lucky
to scaleto climb up
make-upcharacter traits
to cut back on sthto reduce
a glut oftoo much of sth, a surfeit of sth
to wreckto cause damage, to destroy
to procureto get, to obtain
all manner of thingsevery kind of things
foolhardyfoolishly bold, reckless
pervasiveassumed to be present everywhere
to rectifyto correct
progenydescendants, offspring
to ingratiate oneself with sbto try to make a good impression on sb to gain sth
o be engrossed in sthto be fully occupied with sth
to stand up to sthto withstand
to loiterto spend time doing useless things
to hoverto remain in the air to observe sb
to be carried away with sthnot to be able to control sth (ex emotions)
to break away withto become separate, to leave a group
to come offto become detached
to surgeto raise
to plunge?
to moisterto wet
to patterto make a specific sound when falling
to be observantto obey
girdersiron beams
to plead sth as sth?