wordki.pl - nauka słówek
listopad uzupełnienie 2
autor: tysiek
hiccupa small difficulty or problem
a fedtemporary trend
to stall forto wait/ to avoid giving bounding answer or taking action
betwixtin an intermediate position
backbonechief support/ strength
wherewithalresources needed to do sth
a blessing in disguisefirst looks problematic but turns out to be useful, beneficial
to come of ageto become officially mature
to pore over sthto study sth very carefully
to look before you lipto consider possible consequences before taking action
vibeimpression, atmosphere, aura
to construeto form an opinion of sth
vagriescapricious consequences, whims, changes
to deemto consider or to regard
gray matterintelligence
to streamto go in a stream
to gloss overto treat briefly