one-armed bandit | jednoręki bandyta (maszyna do gier) |
catch 22 situation | błędne koło, sytuacja bez wyjścia (w przenośni) |
one-man band | a person who works alone on all aspects of a task or project |
one-track mind | jednokierunkowe zainteresowanie |
four letter word | wulgaryzm, słowo na cztery litery (o słowie "fuck") |
two-edged compliment | dwuznaczny komplement |
have second thoughts about sth | mieć wątpliwości na temat czegoś |
be in seventh heaven | być w siódmym niebie |
at the eleventh hour | w ostatniej chwili, za pięć dwunasta |
the third degree | a situation in which someone tries to find out information by asking you a lot of questions |
to play second fiddle | to be in a less important position than someone or something else |
third-rate | not of high quality |
sixth sense | a power of perception beyond the five senses. |
on first-name terms | wszyscy sa na "ty" |