wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: staszek123
one-armed banditjednoręki bandyta (maszyna do gier)
catch 22 situationbłędne koło, sytuacja bez wyjścia (w przenośni)
one-man banda person who works alone on all aspects of a task or project
one-track mindjednokierunkowe zainteresowanie
four letter wordwulgaryzm, słowo na cztery litery (o słowie "fuck")
two-edged complimentdwuznaczny komplement
have second thoughts about sthmieć wątpliwości na temat czegoś
be in seventh heavenbyć w siódmym niebie
at the eleventh hourw ostatniej chwili, za pięć dwunasta
the third degreea situation in which someone tries to find out information by asking you a lot of questions
to play second fiddleto be in a less important position than someone or something else
third-ratenot of high quality
sixth sensea power of perception beyond the five senses.
on first-name termswszyscy sa na "ty"