innumerable | very many | |
perplexing | confusing (e. question) | |
conscientious | skrupulatny | |
unconditional love | bezwarunkowa miłość | |
affectionate | czuły | |
maintain balance in life | trzymać w życiu równowagę | |
self-esteem | samoocena | |
boost of confidence | dodać pewności siebie | |
diminish chances | zmiejszać szanse | |
resentment at | uraza za | |
bereavement | bolesna strata | |
squabble | a quarrel - sprzeczka | |
considerate | dbający o innych (unselfish, carring) | |
compliant with/to sb//submissive to sb | uległy komuś | |
cautious | careful | |
conciliatory | pojednawczy | |
obstinate | stubborn | |
self-assurance | being confident and calm | |
incurable | nieuleczalny | |
doting | loving | |
confirmed | zatwardziały | |
happy-go-lucky | beztroski | |
extrovert | ekstrawertyk | |
devoted | dedicated | |
reckless | lekkomyślny | |
spendthrift | rozrzutnik | |
devotion | dedication | |
dismal climax | fatalny punkt kulminacyjny | |
drift apart | to gradually end a relationship | |
tie the knot | get married (informal) | |
frown upon | krzywo patrzeć na | |
superficial | powierzchowny, płytki | |
nuclear family | dwupokoleniowa rodzina | |
close-knit family | zżyta rodzina | |
only child | jedynak | |
heartfelt | płynący z serca | |
a shoulder to cry on | ramię do wypłakania się | |
be on cloud nine | być bardzo szczęśliwym (na 9 chmurze) | |
look on the bright side | stay positive (idiom) | |
have a whale of time | dokonale się bawić (idom) | |
sweep sb off their feet | zwalić kogoś z nóg | |
be a wet blanket | być smutasem (idiom) | |
be full of beans | być pełnym szczęścia (idiom) | |
be down in the dumps | być w depresji (idiom) | |
cry one's heart out | be extremely sad and cry a lot (idiom) | |
hit rock bottom | stoczyć się na dno | |
have a heart of gold | mieć złote serce | |
slip of the tongue | przejęzyczenie | |
grain of truth | ziarnko prawdy | |
have a change of heart | have a change of attitude | |
trace of remorse | odrobina wyrzutó∑ sumienia | |
glow of satisfaction | strong feeling of satisfaciton | |
glimmer of hope | iskierka nadziei | |
bring over | take with you | |
bring about | cause | |
stand in for sm | replace sm | |
stand for | represent | |
bring in | introduce | |
stand by | stand loyal | |
sand out | be easy to notice, original | |
brong sb round | revive | |
long-lasting | długo trwający | |
to take a back seat | trzymać się w cieniu | |
a merit of | advantage of | |
come in handy | be usefull | |
overflow with confidence | strong feeling of confidence | |
get the hang of sth | załapać coś | |
trigger off the feeling of confidence | a boost of confidence | |
look up to | admire | |
emulate sb | imitate sb | |