a derivative | pochodna, instrument pochodny |
a trader | kupiec (akcji na giełdzie) |
a bet | czynność maklera; coś na co stawia makler |
bring sth down | obalić coś, doprowadzić coś do upadku |
a deal | interes, transakcja |
capital management | zarządzanie kapitałem |
a hedge fund | fundusz hedgingowy |
a fallen hedge fund | upadły fundusz hedgingowy |
a bailout | dofinansowanie, subwencja; kaucja, poręczenie majątkowe |
a rogue | łajdak, łobuz, szelma, szubrawiec |
madmen | szaleńcy |
financial instruments whose prices are dependent upon, or derived from, underlying assets | DEFINE derivatives |
stocks, bonds, commodities, interest rates and market indices | ENUMERATE assets that derivatives might be derived from |
a contract agreement to buy or sell sth at a predetermined price and time in the future | DEFINE a future |
a security, commodity or financial instrument | a future might concern: ... |
a right to buy or sell an asset at a fixed price during a certain period or on a specific date | DEFINE an option |
Competition Commission | Komisja ds. Obrony Konkurencji |
competition authority | organ ochrony konkurencji |
Antitrust Authority | amerykański organ antymonopolowy |
an abuse of a dominant position | nadużywanie swojej dobrej pozycji |
European Commissioner for Competition | Europejski Komisarz ds. Konkurencji |
market investigation | analiza rynku, badanie rynku |
natural monopoly | monopol naturalny |
advisedly | rozmyślnie, świadomie, z rozwagą |
lion's share of the market | znaczna większość rynku |
to compete vigorously | intensywnie konkurować (o firmach na rynku) |
intervene in sth | intereweniować w coś |
free market attitude | wolnorynkowe podejście |
competition regime | przepisy z zakresu konkurencji |
checks and balances | mechanizmy gwarantujące zachowanie równowagi politycznej |
over-interventionist | zbyt interwencyjny |
acquiring a competitor in the same field of activity | DEFINE horizontal integration |
to combine the two companies to form a single new one | DEFINE to merge (with) |
acquiring businesses involved in other parts of the supply chain | DEFINE vertical integration |
backward integration | acquiring suppliers of raw materials or components |
forward integration | buying distributors or retail outlets |
acquiring part-ownership of a company by buying as many of its stocks as possible on a stock market | DEFINE a raid |
controlling interest: >50% of a company's voting shares, allowing to decide about the strategy | pakiet kontrolny akcji & DEFINE it |
a takeover bid | oferta przejęcia, oferta wykupu |
a public offer to a company's stockholders to buy their stocks at a certain price | DEFINE a takeover bid |
1)the price of a stock is above the current market price 2)it lasts during a limited period of time | What are the characteristics of a takeover bid? |
to launch / to issue a takeover bid | złożyć ofertę przejęcia firmy [2 czasowniki] |
a takeover bid when the board of directors of a company agrees to a takeover | DEFINE a friendly bid / friendly takeover |
a takeover bid when the company does not want to be taken over | DEFINE a hostile bid / a hostile takeover |
IBs have large M&A departments that analyze the value of listed companies and advise companies | What do investment banks do about takeovers? |
leveraged buyouts | DECIPHER LBOs |
largely financed by borrowed capital | EXPLAIN leveraged |
When financiers consider that a conglomerate resulting from takeovers has not acheived synergy. | When do buyouts occur? |
corporate raiders, private equity funds | ENUMERATE two financiers that can be involved in buyouts |
Its market capitalization is lower than the value of its total assets | What does it mean that a company is undervalued on the stock market? |
by issuing bonds | How do raiders usually raise money to buy undervalued companies? |
daughter company; a company owned by a larger parent company; spółka zależna | subsidiary [synonym + definition + Polish equivalent] |
They either 1) sell off the subsidiaries, or 2) close them and sell the assets | What do raiders do first with an undervalued company after buying it? |
closing a company or a subsidiary and selling the assets | DEFINE assest-stripping |
asset-stripping | wyprzedaż aktywów nabytej spółki |
They pay back the bonds they issued to buy the company while making a large profit. | What do raiders do after they sell the subsidiaries of a conglomerate or carry out asset-stripping? |
corporate raider | osoba lub firma planująca przejęcie pakietu kontrolnego innej firmy |
for buying companies and making them more efficient prior to reselling them | What are private equity funds more respected for, in comparison to corporate raiders? |
a sum of money reserved to pay a company's retired employees | DEFINE a pension fund |
the total value of a company on the stock exchange (the price of all its stocks) | DEFINE market capitalization |
when a group of thing work together better than if they were working separately | DEFINE synergy |
conglomerates | companies that own or control several smaller businesses selling very different products or services |
listed / quoted companies | public companies whose stocks are traded on a stock exchange |
at an Annual General Meeting | When do stockholders decide about the company's strategy? |
retail outlets | places where goods are sold (shops, stores, kiosks, markets, etc.) |
to diversify | to become more varied or different (e.g. by selling different products) |
habitually | zwyczajnie, powszednie; notorycznie, nałogowo |
a company with the biggest market share | DEFINE a market leader |
the second-biggest company in the industry | DEFINE a market challenger |
one of many smaller companies that follow tha market leaders and market challengers | DEFINE a market follower |
a unique selling proposition | something that makes a product different from any other, and appealing |
market segment | segment rynku |
a niche | nisza |
a new entrant | nowy konkurent |
They focus on market segmentation and sell products differentiated from those of larger companies. | What do many smaller companies focus on to be able to co-exist with the leader? |
the process of defining and subdividing a large homogenous market into clearly identifiable segments | What is market segmentation? |
differentiate | wyróżniać się; odróżniać, rozróżniać |
a cluster | a group of similar things (e.g. companies) situated close together |
a landlord | a person or organization that owns a bulidng or area of land and rents it to other people |
an entrepreneur | a person wko starts their own business, especially when this involves taking risks |
a headhunter | a recruiter of important personnel for companies |
attorney | an alternative American term for a lawyer |
vulnerable | likely to be attacked |
to dominate | to have control over something,or to be the most important preson or thing |
to disrupt | to prevent something from continuing as expected |
to address / to tackle (a problem) | to try to deal with a problem [2 verbs] |
high-tech companies | najnowocześniejsze spółki |
an early stage company | firma na wczesnym etapie rozwoju |
an industrial cluster | miejsce, gdzie skupiają się firmy z danej branży, np. Silicon Valley |
all the money received from business activities during a given period | DEFINE income |
expenditure | all the money a business spends on goods and services during a given period |
a financial operating plan showing expected income and expenditure | DEFINE a budget |
anything owned by a business - cash, buildings, machines, equipment, etc. | DEFINE an asset |
liabilities | all the money that a company will have to pay in the future: debts, taxes and interest payments |
an entry in an account, recording a payment made | DEFINE debit |
wpis, wpisanie | an entry [jak to jest po polsku] |
an entry in an account, recording a payment received | DEFINE credit |
intangible | adjective describing something without a material existence, which you can't touch |
accrued | adjective describing a liability which has been incurred but not yet invoiced to the company |
fakturować | to invoice |
faktura | an invoice |
accrued | należny, narosły (np. odsetki) |
deferred | delayed or postponed until a later time |
cost accounting | calculating all the expenses involved in producing sth: materials, labour and others |
tax accounting | calculating how much a company will have to pay to the local and national governments (&reducing it) |
inspecting and reporting on accounts and financial records | DEFINE auditing |
preparing financial statements showing income and expenditure, assets and liabilities | DEFINE accounting |
managerial accounting / management accounting | providing information that will allow a business to plan future operations and develop strategies |
to disguise | ukryć, zatuszować |
creative accounting | using available accounting procedures & tricks to diguise the true financial position of a company |
bookkeeping | writing down the details of transactions (debits and credits) |
a cash flow statement | a statement giving details details of money coming into and leaving the business |
1) day-to-day operations 2) investing 3) financing | What sections is a cash flow statement divided into? |
day-to-day | codzienny, zwykły; z dnia na dzień (bez wcześniejszego planowania) |
Income statement | Statement of income | Profit and loss statement | Profit and loss account | a statement showing the difference between the revenues and expenses of a period |
Balance sheet | Statement of financial position | a statement showing the value of a business's assets, liabilities & capital or shareholders' equity |
money that business has that belongs to its owners | DEFINE shareholders' equity |
a powerhouse | kopalnia, elektrownia; osoba pełna energii |
to coalesce | połączyć się, sprzymierzać się |
a nucleus | jądro |
to converse | rozmawiać, porozmawiać |
brash | bezczelny, krzykliwy |
disruptive | zakłócający spokój; destrukcyjny |
a paradigm | wzór, przykład, model |
a runway | pas startowy |
a structured product | "opakowana" strategia inwestycyjna oparta na pochodnych |
spread betting | gra na giełdzie oparta na różnicy cen akcji |
short selling | the practice of selling securities that are not currently owned and subsequently repurchasing them |
to hedge a bet | zabezpieczyć zakład, zminimalizować ryzyko |
commodities | towary (jako obiekty kupna i sprzedaży) |
a security | papier wartościowy |
a tradable asset of any kind | DEFINE a security |
debt securities, equity securities, dervative contracts | What are securities categorised into? |
a call option | an option that offers the buyer the right to buy |
a put option | an option that offers the buyer the right to sell |
the strike price | an agreed-upon price defined in an option |
raw materials that are traded on specific markets | DEFINE commodities |
making contracts to buy/sell in the future, at arranged price, as a protection against price changes | DEFINE hedging |
buying assets hoping to make a capital gain by selling them later at a higher price (or inversely) | DEFINE speculation |
an agreement to exchange future interest payments with another company or financial institution | DEFINE an interest rate swap |
floating rate loan for a fixed interest rate loan | an example of an interest rate swap |
floating | zmienny (rata kredytu) |
an agreement between two parties who exchange payments on loans in different currencies | DEFINE a currency swap |