wordki.pl - nauka słówek
18-21: Derivatives, Accounting, Market Structure & Takeovers
a derivativepochodna, instrument pochodny
a traderkupiec (akcji na giełdzie)
a betczynność maklera; coś na co stawia makler
bring sth downobalić coś, doprowadzić coś do upadku
a dealinteres, transakcja
capital managementzarządzanie kapitałem
a hedge fundfundusz hedgingowy
a fallen hedge fundupadły fundusz hedgingowy
a bailoutdofinansowanie, subwencja; kaucja, poręczenie majątkowe
a roguełajdak, łobuz, szelma, szubrawiec
financial instruments whose prices are dependent upon, or derived from, underlying assetsDEFINE derivatives
stocks, bonds, commodities, interest rates and market indicesENUMERATE assets that derivatives might be derived from
a contract agreement to buy or sell sth at a predetermined price and time in the futureDEFINE a future
a security, commodity or financial instrumenta future might concern: ...
a right to buy or sell an asset at a fixed price during a certain period or on a specific dateDEFINE an option
Competition CommissionKomisja ds. Obrony Konkurencji
competition authorityorgan ochrony konkurencji
Antitrust Authorityamerykański organ antymonopolowy
an abuse of a dominant positionnadużywanie swojej dobrej pozycji
European Commissioner for CompetitionEuropejski Komisarz ds. Konkurencji
market investigationanaliza rynku, badanie rynku
natural monopolymonopol naturalny
advisedlyrozmyślnie, świadomie, z rozwagą
lion's share of the marketznaczna większość rynku
to compete vigorouslyintensywnie konkurować (o firmach na rynku)
intervene in sthintereweniować w coś
free market attitudewolnorynkowe podejście
competition regimeprzepisy z zakresu konkurencji
checks and balancesmechanizmy gwarantujące zachowanie równowagi politycznej
over-interventionistzbyt interwencyjny
acquiring a competitor in the same field of activityDEFINE horizontal integration
to combine the two companies to form a single new oneDEFINE to merge (with)
acquiring businesses involved in other parts of the supply chainDEFINE vertical integration
backward integrationacquiring suppliers of raw materials or components
forward integrationbuying distributors or retail outlets
acquiring part-ownership of a company by buying as many of its stocks as possible on a stock marketDEFINE a raid
controlling interest: >50% of a company's voting shares, allowing to decide about the strategypakiet kontrolny akcji & DEFINE it
a takeover bidoferta przejęcia, oferta wykupu
a public offer to a company's stockholders to buy their stocks at a certain priceDEFINE a takeover bid
1)the price of a stock is above the current market price 2)it lasts during a limited period of timeWhat are the characteristics of a takeover bid?
to launch / to issue a takeover bidzłożyć ofertę przejęcia firmy [2 czasowniki]
a takeover bid when the board of directors of a company agrees to a takeoverDEFINE a friendly bid / friendly takeover
a takeover bid when the company does not want to be taken overDEFINE a hostile bid / a hostile takeover
IBs have large M&A departments that analyze the value of listed companies and advise companiesWhat do investment banks do about takeovers?
leveraged buyoutsDECIPHER LBOs
largely financed by borrowed capitalEXPLAIN leveraged
When financiers consider that a conglomerate resulting from takeovers has not acheived synergy.When do buyouts occur?
corporate raiders, private equity fundsENUMERATE two financiers that can be involved in buyouts
Its market capitalization is lower than the value of its total assetsWhat does it mean that a company is undervalued on the stock market?
by issuing bondsHow do raiders usually raise money to buy undervalued companies?
daughter company; a company owned by a larger parent company; spółka zależnasubsidiary [synonym + definition + Polish equivalent]
They either 1) sell off the subsidiaries, or 2) close them and sell the assetsWhat do raiders do first with an undervalued company after buying it?
closing a company or a subsidiary and selling the assetsDEFINE assest-stripping
asset-strippingwyprzedaż aktywów nabytej spółki
They pay back the bonds they issued to buy the company while making a large profit.What do raiders do after they sell the subsidiaries of a conglomerate or carry out asset-stripping?
corporate raiderosoba lub firma planująca przejęcie pakietu kontrolnego innej firmy
for buying companies and making them more efficient prior to reselling themWhat are private equity funds more respected for, in comparison to corporate raiders?
a sum of money reserved to pay a company's retired employeesDEFINE a pension fund
the total value of a company on the stock exchange (the price of all its stocks)DEFINE market capitalization
when a group of thing work together better than if they were working separatelyDEFINE synergy
conglomeratescompanies that own or control several smaller businesses selling very different products or services
listed / quoted companiespublic companies whose stocks are traded on a stock exchange
at an Annual General MeetingWhen do stockholders decide about the company's strategy?
retail outletsplaces where goods are sold (shops, stores, kiosks, markets, etc.)
to diversifyto become more varied or different (e.g. by selling different products)
habituallyzwyczajnie, powszednie; notorycznie, nałogowo
a company with the biggest market shareDEFINE a market leader
the second-biggest company in the industryDEFINE a market challenger
one of many smaller companies that follow tha market leaders and market challengersDEFINE a market follower
a unique selling propositionsomething that makes a product different from any other, and appealing
market segmentsegment rynku
a nichenisza
a new entrantnowy konkurent
They focus on market segmentation and sell products differentiated from those of larger companies.What do many smaller companies focus on to be able to co-exist with the leader?
the process of defining and subdividing a large homogenous market into clearly identifiable segmentsWhat is market segmentation?
differentiatewyróżniać się; odróżniać, rozróżniać
a clustera group of similar things (e.g. companies) situated close together
a landlorda person or organization that owns a bulidng or area of land and rents it to other people
an entrepreneura person wko starts their own business, especially when this involves taking risks
a headhuntera recruiter of important personnel for companies
attorneyan alternative American term for a lawyer
vulnerablelikely to be attacked
to dominateto have control over something,or to be the most important preson or thing
to disruptto prevent something from continuing as expected
to address / to tackle (a problem)to try to deal with a problem [2 verbs]
high-tech companiesnajnowocześniejsze spółki
an early stage companyfirma na wczesnym etapie rozwoju
an industrial clustermiejsce, gdzie skupiają się firmy z danej branży, np. Silicon Valley
all the money received from business activities during a given periodDEFINE income
expenditureall the money a business spends on goods and services during a given period
a financial operating plan showing expected income and expenditureDEFINE a budget
anything owned by a business - cash, buildings, machines, equipment, etc.DEFINE an asset
liabilitiesall the money that a company will have to pay in the future: debts, taxes and interest payments
an entry in an account, recording a payment madeDEFINE debit
wpis, wpisaniean entry [jak to jest po polsku]
an entry in an account, recording a payment receivedDEFINE credit
intangibleadjective describing something without a material existence, which you can't touch
accruedadjective describing a liability which has been incurred but not yet invoiced to the company
fakturowaćto invoice
fakturaan invoice
accruednależny, narosły (np. odsetki)
deferreddelayed or postponed until a later time
cost accountingcalculating all the expenses involved in producing sth: materials, labour and others
tax accountingcalculating how much a company will have to pay to the local and national governments (&reducing it)
inspecting and reporting on accounts and financial recordsDEFINE auditing
preparing financial statements showing income and expenditure, assets and liabilitiesDEFINE accounting
managerial accounting / management accountingproviding information that will allow a business to plan future operations and develop strategies
to disguiseukryć, zatuszować
creative accountingusing available accounting procedures & tricks to diguise the true financial position of a company
bookkeepingwriting down the details of transactions (debits and credits)
a cash flow statementa statement giving details details of money coming into and leaving the business
1) day-to-day operations 2) investing 3) financingWhat sections is a cash flow statement divided into?
day-to-daycodzienny, zwykły; z dnia na dzień (bez wcześniejszego planowania)
Income statement | Statement of income | Profit and loss statement | Profit and loss accounta statement showing the difference between the revenues and expenses of a period
Balance sheet | Statement of financial positiona statement showing the value of a business's assets, liabilities & capital or shareholders' equity
money that business has that belongs to its ownersDEFINE shareholders' equity
a powerhousekopalnia, elektrownia; osoba pełna energii
to coalescepołączyć się, sprzymierzać się
a nucleusjądro
to converserozmawiać, porozmawiać
brashbezczelny, krzykliwy
disruptivezakłócający spokój; destrukcyjny
a paradigmwzór, przykład, model
a runwaypas startowy
a structured product"opakowana" strategia inwestycyjna oparta na pochodnych
spread bettinggra na giełdzie oparta na różnicy cen akcji
short sellingthe practice of selling securities that are not currently owned and subsequently repurchasing them
to hedge a betzabezpieczyć zakład, zminimalizować ryzyko
commoditiestowary (jako obiekty kupna i sprzedaży)
a securitypapier wartościowy
a tradable asset of any kindDEFINE a security
debt securities, equity securities, dervative contractsWhat are securities categorised into?
a call optionan option that offers the buyer the right to buy
a put optionan option that offers the buyer the right to sell
the strike pricean agreed-upon price defined in an option
raw materials that are traded on specific marketsDEFINE commodities
making contracts to buy/sell in the future, at arranged price, as a protection against price changesDEFINE hedging
buying assets hoping to make a capital gain by selling them later at a higher price (or inversely)DEFINE speculation
an agreement to exchange future interest payments with another company or financial institutionDEFINE an interest rate swap
floating rate loan for a fixed interest rate loanan example of an interest rate swap
floatingzmienny (rata kredytu)
an agreement between two parties who exchange payments on loans in different currenciesDEFINE a currency swap