allocation | distribution according to a plan |
commercialize | to organize something to make a profit |
externalities | the result or effect of an action or situation |
infrastructure | basic systems and services such as trasport and power supplies |
optimal | the best or most likely to bring success |
unfettered | not limited by any rules or controls |
peak | szczyt na wykresie |
trough | dołek na wykresie |
contraction | spadki na wykresie, recesja |
expansion | wzrosty na wykresie, ożywienie |
income tax | the tax people pay on their wages and salaries |
income tax | podatek dochodowy |
direct tax | a tax on wages and salaries or on company profits |
direct tax | podatek bezpośredni |
progressive tax | podaatek progresywny |
progressive tax | a tax levied at a higher rate on higher incomes |
indirect tax | podatek pośredni |
indirect tax | a tax paid on property, sales trasactionsm imports etc. |
value-added tax | podatek od wartości dodanej |
value-added tax | a tax collected at each stage of production, excluding the already-taxed costs from previous stages |
capital gains tax | podatek od zysku |
capital gains tax | profits made by selling assets are generally liable to it |
inheritance tax | podatek spadkowy, od darowizny |
inheritance tax | gifts to a family members over a certain value are often liable to it |
wealth tax / redistributive tax | podatek od zamożności |
wealth tax / redistributive tax | the annual tax imposed on people`s fortunes (in some countries) |
tax evasion | uchylanie się od podatku |
tak evasion | making false declarations to the tax authorities |
tax avoidance | unikanie podatku |
tax avoidance | reducing the amount of tax you pay to a legal minimum |
tax havens | raje podatkowe |
tax havens | countries where taxes are low, where multinational companies often set up their head offices |
loophole | kruczek prawny |
loophole | a small mistake or exception in a tax law, which allows you to avoid paying something |
money launderers | pracze brudnych pieniędzy |
poverty | ubóstwo |