magnitude | the great size or importance of something |
spurious | not based on facts or good thinking, insincere |
lord it over sb | to behave in a way that shows you think you are better or more powerful than someone else: |
to be jerked out of sth | to pull someone or something out of something sharply and quickly, |
ineradicable | impossible to change or remove: |
scarce | there is not very much of it available, |
battledore | The paddle used in badminton. |
mingled | two feelings, sounds, smells etc ........., they mix together with each other: |
wobbly | moving unsteadily from side to side, not very good or not likely to be successful |
overawe | to make someone feel respect or fear, so that they are nervous or unable to say or do anything |
generate | produce or create e.g. ideas, interest |
imply | suggest sth without saying it directly |
highlight | emphasise sth so people give it more atention |
underline | emphasise sth and show its importance |
on the other hand | present the other side of the argument |
to be precise | to be very exact |
to sum up | state the main points in short and clear form |
namely | introduce exact and detailed information |
notably | introduce a good or important example |
furthermore | introduce more information about what's been stated |
hint at | say sth indirectly to subtly show what you're thinking, to refer to something; to insinuate somethin |
in conclusion | finally consider all the information |
point out | mention sth in order to give sb more information |
infer | reach an opinion on the basis of information available |
evaluate | carefully form an opinion about the amount , value, quality of sth |
assess | judge sth's quality or nature, can be similar to test |
in particular | emphasise a specific point |
what is more | emphasise another related points |
formulate | create or prepare sth carefully e.g. an idea |
regarding | refer to a subject |
to be marked out as sb | to be shown to be different because of certain characteristics |
to sneer at sb | to talk about sb or sth in an unkind way that shows you don't respect them |
to bark your order | to shout at someone in a forceful manner to get what you want |
to cow sb | to frighten someone into doing sth using threats or violence |
to wield power | to have a lot of influence over the people |
to bring shivers | when sth causes you to shake slightly |
to drape an arm around sb | to put sth loosely over sth or sb |
mark out | to show that someone or something is different from others |
out-of-towner | A visitor from another town or city. |
come out | To be issued or brought out |
a topic for discussion | temat dyskusji |
disdain FOR | the feeling that someone or something is not important and does not deserve any respect |
ask FOR sth | zamawiać coś |
ask around | to ask several people for information or advice |
bone up on sth | to study something thoroughly; to review the facts about something. |
bone marrow | The soft, fatty, vascular tissue that fills most bone cavities and is the source of red blood cells |
funny bone | A point on the elbow where the ulnar nerve runs close to the surface. |
obscure | not known about, or not well known |
whippet thin | chudy jak chart |
snippy | a ...... person is not patient and speaks to people in an angry way |
predatory | treating other people badly for your own benefit |
illicit | not allowed by the law or rules |
tone [body] | to make your body, muscles, or skin more firm and healthy |
grudging | done in an unwilling way |
to make a wry face | to make an expression of distate or displeasure |
to be hushed up | to be quiet, stop talking about sth because they don't want people to know about sth |
to invent a facile excuse | an explenation that work [simple, clever] |
to fall into the habit of doing sth | to get used to do sth |
to put sb straight about/on sth | to make certain that sb knows the real facts about a situation |
to lead sb astray | to direct or guide sb in the wrong direction, to influence sb so that they do bad things |
to throb with life | full of life |
to throb with pain | the pain comes and goes again and again in a regular pattern |
my head is throbbing | headache that is pulsating with abnormal force or rapidity |
myriads of people | a very large, indefinite number, innumerable |
to be in store for sb | to be forthcoming, planned, likely to happen |
to be a munificent patron of art | characterized by great generosity in supporting art |
sth has seen better days | to be in poor condition, worn out |
to be filled with awe | to admire, respect sb/sth |
to be/walk on a tightrope between sth and sth | to be in difficult situation and you have to make a decision |
cash dispenser/ cash point/ automical teller machine | bankomat |
divestiture | sprzedaż majątku przedsębiorstwa |
fixed term | sztywny termin |
public treasury | skarb państwa |
intial public offering | pierwsza oferta publiczna |
referential rate | stopa referncyjna |
I would be grateful if you would consider giving me a full refund/exchanging it for a new one. | Byłabym wdzięczna, gdybyście państwo mogli rozważyć całkowity zwrot pieniedzy/ wymianę na no |
I would appreciate it if you could send me the istruction/ the missing part. | Byłabym wdzięczna gdybyście mogli Państwo przesłać mi instrukcję obsługi/ brakującą częś |
I am writing in response to/ with regard to your advertisemnt which appered in...on(12 January 2011) | Piszę w odpowiedzi na/ w związku z Państwa ogłoszeniem, które ukazało si w... dnia(12 stycznia |
I agree with the opinion expressed in the article. | Zgadzam się ze stanowiskiem wyrażonym w artykule. |
match | dopasowywać |
to hand up the phone | odłożyć telefon |
fully fledged | stuprocentowy, kompletny |
makeshift | zastępczy, tymczasowy |
scourge | plaga, zmora |
to ravage | niszczyć |
solidfied | utrwalony |
imprudent | nieostrożny |
distinctly | jasno, dobitnie |
to pursue | dążyć do |
modestly | nieco |
concussion | wstrząs, wstrząśnienie |
knuckle | przegub |
respiratory infection | infekcja dróg oddechowych |
strenous activity | wzmożony wysiłek |
superficial, flesh wound | powierzchniowa, powierzchowna rana |
vitamin intake | wchłanianie witamin |
fall | przypadać |
injected | wstrzyknięte |
concerns | troska |
exploiting | wykorzystanie |
up-to-date | aktualny, nowoczesny, najswiezszy |
customize to needs | dostosować do potrzeb |
unreliable | nieprawdomówny |
being sick | niedobrze |
earn, make money | zarabiac |
make a withdrawal | took money of the bank |
get a bargain | get a really good deal, zrobić dobry interes |
though | chociaz mimo, aczkolwiek, mimo ze, chociaż |
bid | oferta sprzedazy |
deprivation | ograniczenie |
afflict | dręczyć, gnębić |
obstructed | zatamowanyt, niedrożny |
gulp | łykać |
recommence | wznawiać, zacząć na nowo |
distorted tunes | zniekształcona melodia |
revealed | wyjawić, ujawnić |
noticeably | zauważalnie, wyraźnie, odczuwalnie, widocznie |
submit | przedstawiać |
band-saw | piła taśmowa |
stamp | pieczęć, pieczętować |
gear blank | półwyrób koła zębatego |
cast | odlew, odlewać |
gear wheel | koło zębate |
heat treatment | obróbka termiczna |
refrigerant | czynnik chłodniczy |
stainless steel | nierdzewna stal |
grind | zeszlifować (ground) |