wordki.pl - nauka słówek
wysocka 2
magnitudethe great size or importance of something
spuriousnot based on facts or good thinking, insincere
lord it over sbto behave in a way that shows you think you are better or more powerful than someone else:
to be jerked out of sthto pull someone or something out of something sharply and quickly,
ineradicableimpossible to change or remove:
scarcethere is not very much of it available,
battledoreThe paddle used in badminton.
mingledtwo feelings, sounds, smells etc ........., they mix together with each other:
wobblymoving unsteadily from side to side, not very good or not likely to be successful
overaweto make someone feel respect or fear, so that they are nervous or unable to say or do anything
generateproduce or create e.g. ideas, interest
implysuggest sth without saying it directly
highlightemphasise sth so people give it more atention
underlineemphasise sth and show its importance
on the other handpresent the other side of the argument
to be preciseto be very exact
to sum upstate the main points in short and clear form
namelyintroduce exact and detailed information
notablyintroduce a good or important example
furthermoreintroduce more information about what's been stated
hint atsay sth indirectly to subtly show what you're thinking, to refer to something; to insinuate somethin
in conclusionfinally consider all the information
point outmention sth in order to give sb more information
inferreach an opinion on the basis of information available
evaluatecarefully form an opinion about the amount , value, quality of sth
assessjudge sth's quality or nature, can be similar to test
in particularemphasise a specific point
what is moreemphasise another related points
formulatecreate or prepare sth carefully e.g. an idea
regardingrefer to a subject
to be marked out as sbto be shown to be different because of certain characteristics
to sneer at sbto talk about sb or sth in an unkind way that shows you don't respect them
to bark your orderto shout at someone in a forceful manner to get what you want
to cow sbto frighten someone into doing sth using threats or violence
to wield powerto have a lot of influence over the people
to bring shiverswhen sth causes you to shake slightly
to drape an arm around sbto put sth loosely over sth or sb
mark outto show that someone or something is different from others
out-of-townerA visitor from another town or city.
come outTo be issued or brought out
a topic for discussiontemat dyskusji
disdain FORthe feeling that someone or something is not important and does not deserve any respect
ask FOR sthzamawiać coś
ask aroundto ask several people for information or advice
bone up on sthto study something thoroughly; to review the facts about something.
bone marrowThe soft, fatty, vascular tissue that fills most bone cavities and is the source of red blood cells
funny boneA point on the elbow where the ulnar nerve runs close to the surface.
obscurenot known about, or not well known
whippet thinchudy jak chart
snippya ...... person is not patient and speaks to people in an angry way
predatorytreating other people badly for your own benefit
illicitnot allowed by the law or rules
tone [body]to make your body, muscles, or skin more firm and healthy
grudgingdone in an unwilling way
to make a wry faceto make an expression of distate or displeasure
to be hushed upto be quiet, stop talking about sth because they don't want people to know about sth
to invent a facile excusean explenation that work [simple, clever]
to fall into the habit of doing sthto get used to do sth
to put sb straight about/on sthto make certain that sb knows the real facts about a situation
to lead sb astrayto direct or guide sb in the wrong direction, to influence sb so that they do bad things
to throb with lifefull of life
to throb with painthe pain comes and goes again and again in a regular pattern
my head is throbbingheadache that is pulsating with abnormal force or rapidity
myriads of peoplea very large, indefinite number, innumerable
to be in store for sbto be forthcoming, planned, likely to happen
to be a munificent patron of artcharacterized by great generosity in supporting art
sth has seen better daysto be in poor condition, worn out
to be filled with aweto admire, respect sb/sth
to be/walk on a tightrope between sth and sthto be in difficult situation and you have to make a decision
cash dispenser/ cash point/ automical teller machinebankomat
divestituresprzedaż majątku przedsębiorstwa
fixed termsztywny termin
public treasuryskarb państwa
intial public offeringpierwsza oferta publiczna
referential ratestopa referncyjna
I would be grateful if you would consider giving me a full refund/exchanging it for a new one.Byłabym wdzięczna, gdybyście państwo mogli rozważyć całkowity zwrot pieniedzy/ wymianę na no
I would appreciate it if you could send me the istruction/ the missing part.Byłabym wdzięczna gdybyście mogli Państwo przesłać mi instrukcję obsługi/ brakującą częś
I am writing in response to/ with regard to your advertisemnt which appered in...on(12 January 2011)Piszę w odpowiedzi na/ w związku z Państwa ogłoszeniem, które ukazało si w... dnia(12 stycznia
I agree with the opinion expressed in the article.Zgadzam się ze stanowiskiem wyrażonym w artykule.
to hand up the phoneodłożyć telefon
fully fledgedstuprocentowy, kompletny
makeshiftzastępczy, tymczasowy
scourgeplaga, zmora
to ravageniszczyć
distinctlyjasno, dobitnie
to pursuedążyć do
concussionwstrząs, wstrząśnienie
respiratory infectioninfekcja dróg oddechowych
strenous activitywzmożony wysiłek
superficial, flesh woundpowierzchniowa, powierzchowna rana
vitamin intakewchłanianie witamin
up-to-dateaktualny, nowoczesny, najswiezszy
customize to needsdostosować do potrzeb
being sickniedobrze
earn, make moneyzarabiac
make a withdrawaltook money of the bank
get a bargainget a really good deal, zrobić dobry interes
thoughchociaz mimo, aczkolwiek, mimo ze, chociaż
bidoferta sprzedazy
afflictdręczyć, gnębić
obstructedzatamowanyt, niedrożny
recommencewznawiać, zacząć na nowo
distorted tuneszniekształcona melodia
revealedwyjawić, ujawnić
noticeablyzauważalnie, wyraźnie, odczuwalnie, widocznie
band-sawpiła taśmowa
stamppieczęć, pieczętować
gear blankpółwyrób koła zębatego
castodlew, odlewać
gear wheelkoło zębate
heat treatmentobróbka termiczna
refrigerantczynnik chłodniczy
stainless steelnierdzewna stal
grindzeszlifować (ground)