wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Wysocka 2 16.01.14
autor: moni16011
analytical mindexamining or liking to examine things very carefully
wisehaving or showing the ability to make good judgments
visionarya person who has the ability to imagine how a country, society will develop in the future
self-awarehaving good knowledge and judgment about yourself
ethicalrelating to beliefs about what is morally right and wrong
persistentlasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of
goal-focusedgiving a lot of attention to one's objectives
decisiveable to make decisions quickly and confidently
self-sacrificinggiving up what you want so that other people can have what they want
disciplinedbehaving in a very controlled way
emotionally competentable to do something well
exasperationrage, fury
sobto cry noisily, taking in deep breaths
burdensth that is carried, a load
outwitto defeat by behaving more cleverly
in the limelightto be in a position of public attention or notice
extortionviolation, obtaining sth by force or threats
wheezeto make a rough, whistling sound because of difficulty in breathing
astoundwith shocked surprise, especially because of sth completely unexpected
babbleto say or talk quickly and foolishly
immenselyvery much, to a great degree
to interfere in sb's lifeto involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful
to grow out of sthstop having or doing sth as you become older:
to be accident-pronedescribes someone who often has accidents, usually because they are very awkward
generateproduce or create e.g ideas, interest
implysuggest sth without saying it directly
highlightemphasise sth so people give it more attention
underlineemphasise sth and show its importance
on the other handpresent the other side of the argument
to be preciseto be very exact
to sum upstate the main points in a short and clear form
namelyintroduce exact and detailed information
notablyintroduce a good or important example
furthermoreintroduce more information about what's been stated
hint atsay sth indirectly to subtly show what you're thinking
regardingrefer to a subject
point outmention sth in order to give sb more information
evaluatecarefully form an opinion about the amount, value, or quality of sth
in conclusionfinally consider all the information
inferreach an opinion on the basis of information available
assessjudge sb's quality or nature, can be similar to test
in particularemphasise a specific point
what is moreemphasise another related point
formulatecreate or prepare sth carefully e.g. an idea