wordki.pl - nauka słówek
angielski 14 unit
autor: sunny838
comression of morbidityzminimalizowanie chorobliwości
decrepitudebeing old and in bad condition, zniedołężniały
hypea lot of publicity that shows how good the product is
yonderover there
paddlewiosła, , walk in the shallow water, brodzić
palpableeasily noticed, evident
vaicariousobtained by second hand, not experience sth yourself
ghastlinessunpleasant, deathly feeling
anticipatemention in advance
loathsomeextremely unpleasant
patent remediesleki bez recepty
affrontoffend sb
uncharitableunkind, unfair
embark ontake up sth challenging
prime suspectgłówny podejrzany
innate desirea strong wish that you have when you are born
live in cloverhave enaugh money to live comfortably
live it upenjoy yourself, usually spending a lot of money
live sth downmake people forget ablut sth embarassing
live by your witsearn money by clever and dishonest means
live up to your expectationdo as well as others expect
learn to live withadopt sth unpleasant
put forwardsuggest
prerequisitesomething that must exist or happen before something else can happen or be done
yankpull sth forcefully
haranguelecture, speak in a forcefull way to convince sb
resolve todecide to
seethebe angry
unearthfind, discover
loathenot like, hate
scroungeborrow, get sht by asking
short of (doing) somethingwithout sth, unless it happens
conmen, to concheater, cheat in order to get money
by word of mouthorallly
lie face downwardsleżeć przewróconym do góry nogami
set foot onto land
have a heart to hearthave sincire conversation
walk hand in handiść za rękę
stroll arm in armiść z kimś w ramię
be nose to tailstand one after another
come face to facemeet sb unexpectedly
live from hand to mouthto spend all the money you earn on basic needs
be made by handzrobione własnoręcznie
fight tooth and nailfight in a very determined way
not see eye to eyedisagree
ailmentwhen dth hurts, not an ilness
preyhunt or make use of sb
insensemake sb very angry/ substance that produces a pleasant smell when it burns
invalidoutdated/ person who need a care because of ilness
invalid sb out offorce to leave armed forces
to be entrancedbe atracted
to discountignore
additivessubstances added to food
preservativessubstances to make food live longer
artificial flavourspolepszacze smaku
raising agentproszek do pieczenie
swankyszpanerski, szykowny
poshelegancki, dystyngowany
be out of one's depthprzerastac kogoś (zadanie do wykonania)
acquit oneself well/badlydobrze/źle się spisywać
engage inangażować się w
reparteebłyskotliwy dialog
draw to a closezbliżać się do końca
profferpodawać, proponować (coś w wyciągniętej ręce, oferować)
recallprzypominać sobie, przywoływać z pamięci
arcane customtajemny zwyczaj
passpodawać (dalej)
branch outzrobić coś nowego, do czego się nie nawykło
attireubrania (F), strój, odzienie
be on a first-name basismówić sobie na ty
etiquette guidelineswytyczne dotyczące etykiety
dismiss sb/sth as sb/sthuznawać kogoś/coś za kogoś/coś
irrelevantnieistotny, nie na temat
social savvyzmysł towarzyski, ogłada
be put forward for the extras/promotionzostać zgłoszonym do jakichś dodatków/awansu