wordki.pl - nauka słówek
sty 1.1
autor: tysiek
to bustleto move about energetically
to buttressto support, to prop up
buxomplump, vigorous, jolly
cabalsmall group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests
cachehiding place
cacophonousdiscordant, inharmonious
cadaverouslike a corpse/ pale
cadencerhythmic rise and fall
to cajoleto coax, to wheedle
calamitydisaster, misery
calculateddeliberately planned, likely
caldronlarge kettle
caliberability/ quality
calligraphybeautiful writing, excellent penmanship
calluoushardened, unfeeling
callowyouthful, immature, inexperienced
calumnymalicious misrepresentation, slander
to camouflageto disguise, to conceal
candorfrankness, open honesty
caninerelated to dogs, dog-like
cannyshrewd, thrifty
cantinsincere expressions of pity/ jargon of thieves
cantankerousinn humored, irritable
canterslow gallop
to canvassto determine votes
capacitymental or physical ability, role
to capitulateto surrender