wordki.pl - nauka słówek
sty 1.2
autor: tysiek
capricesudden, unexpected fancy, whim
capriciousunpredictable, fickle
captiontitle, chapter heading/ text under illustration
caratunit of weight for precious stones
cardiologistdoctor specializing in the heart
to careento lurch, to sway from side to side
caricaturedistortion, burlesque
carnagedestruction of life
carpingfinding fault
cascadesmall waterfall
to castigateto criticize severely, to punish
casualtyserious or fatal accident
cataclysmupheaval, deluge
catalystagent which brings about a chemical change
catapultslingshot, a hurling machine
cataractgreat waterfall
catastrophecalamity, disaster
catcallshout of disapproval, boo
catechismbook for religious instruction
catharsispurging or cleansing of any passage of the body
categoricalwithout exceptions, unqualified, absolute
caucusprivate meeting of members of a party
causalimplying a cause-and-effect relationship
causticburning, sarcastically biting
cavalieroffhand or casual/ proud, disdainful
to cavilto make frivolous objections
to cedeto yield
celerityspeed, rapidity