wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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wszystkie zestawy
moje zestawy
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Kolos Ang 4-2
autor: maras22
dodaj do moich zestawów
returns on investment(ROI)zwrot z inwestycji
venture capitalistsinwestor dostarczający kapitału wysokiego ryzyka
business angelsaniołowie biznesu
The person(s) resposible for implementing a fund's investing strategy and managing its portfolio trafund manager
securitiespapiery wartościowe
to overseenadzorować
investment portfolioportfel inwestycyjny
investments in projects that don't harm the environment, usually with lower returnsethical investment
intuitivekierujący się intuicją
focusedskupiony, skoncentrowany
prudentrozważny, roztropny
to incurre lossesponosić straty
an agreement to buy or sell something in the future at a specific pricefuture
a contract which gives you the right but not the obligation to perform a trasaction at a specified toption
rashlypochopnie, nierozważnie
follyfoolishness, lack of good sense
myopia, short-sightednesskrótkowzroczność
boom yearsyears of economic prosperity
to handle riskzarządzać ryzykiem
to run businessprowadzić biznes
to underestimatenie doceniać, niedoszacować
a science that applies psychological insights to economicsbehavioural science
to be in demandbyć poszukiwanym
to abandonporzucać
a high-risk bond that can give you a big rate of return but there is a high riskjunk bond
to forecastprognozować
varying investmentsdiversification
to assessto estimate
a variety of investments held by an institution or a private individualportfolio
money earned on investmentsreturns
overemphasizeprzesadzać z naciskiem
prearrangedustalony, umówiony
notoriusnotoryczny, cieszący się złą sławą
A mutual fund that invests principally in stocksequity fund
a company that spreads investors' capital over a variety of securitiesmutual fund
limited companiesspółki akcyjne
a sole traderjednoosobowa firma
unlimited liabilityodpowiedzialność całym majątkiem
partnershipsspółki osobowe
limited partnershipspółka komandytowa
unlimited partnershipspółka jawna
a partnership in which at least one partner has unlimited liability and at least one limited liabitylimited partnership
sleeping partnerkomandytariusz
limited liability companiesspółka z O.O.
jont-stock companyspółka akcyjna
the stock marketgiełda
Private limited company(Ltd)spółka z O.O.
Public Limited Company(PLC)spółka akcyjna
do welliść dobrze
do badlyiść źle
to declare bankruptcyogłosić bankructwo
to file for bankruptcyzgłaszać wniosek o upadłość
to file for chapter 11zgłaszać wniosek o upadłość(masz czas na reorganizację przedsiębiorstwa przed...)
to go bankruptzbankrutować
to bankrupt adoprowadzić do bankructwa
legal entityosoba prawna
Memorandum of Associationdokument założycielski spółki akcyjny
Certificate of Incoroporationdokument założycielski spółki akcyjnej
Articles of Asspciation v Bylawsrozporządzenie władz lokalnych
registrar of companiesrejestr spółek
floating a company"ugiełdowienie firmy"
newly issued shares are offered first to existing shareholdersrights issue
issuing new shares to shareholders instead of paying dividendsbonus issue
expected value of the companyexpected value of a company
a long bondobligacja długookresowa
a spot pricecena za transakcję natychmiastową
is the financial market where previously issued securities are bought and soldsecondary market
is the capital markets that deals with the issuance of new securitiesprimary market
having a responsibility or an obligation to do sth e.g. to pay a debtliability
a person or an organization to whom money is owedcreditor
to be insolvent: unable to pay debtsbankrupt
everything of value owned by a business that can be used to produce goods, pay liabilities and so onassets
to sell all the possesions of a bankrupt businessto liquidate
money that company will have to pay to someone elseliabilities
to provide money for a company or other projectto put up capital
money invested in a possibly risky new businessventure capital
the place in which a company does businesspremissess
to guarantee to buy an entire new share issue, if no else wants itto underwrite
A PROPORTION OF THE ANNUAL PROFITS of a limited company, paid to shareholdersa dividend
a receiverkomornik
an investor's selection of scuritiesportfolio
a person who can advise investors and buy and sell shares for themstockbrocker
a stock in a large company or corporation that is considered to be secureblue chip stock
a stock that offers a good return but only a limited chance of a rise or decline in valuedefensive stock
a stock that has a high purchasing price and a low rateofreturn that is expected to appreciate in vaGROWTH STOCK
a wholesaler in stocks and shares who deals with brokersmarket-maker
financial organisations like pension funds which own most of the shares of allleading compa(over 60%institutional investors
the use of information not known to the public to make a profit out of buying or selling sharesinsider share-dealing
underwritergwarant emisji, ubezpieczyciel
face or par valuewartość nominalna(x2)
issue of sharesemisja akcji
to charge default interesetnaliczać odsetki za zwłokę
principalkapitał, podstawa kredytu
to accruenarastać(odsetki)
the amount of the loanprincipal
date at which money will be returnedmaturity
pension fundfundusz emerytalny
a financial institution that collects regular contributions from employers to provide retirement incpension fund
investors who keep their bonds till maturitybuy-and-hold investors
non-payment v defaultnieuiszczalny(x2)
fall in interest ratesprice appreciation
rise in interest ratesprice deppreciation
capital gainsprofits on the sale of assets
creditworthiness v trustworthinesswiarygodność kredytowa
investment gradeklasa inwestycji
the class of investition that is used to diffrentiate bonds on account of bond's credit quality ratiinvestment grade
to redeem bondswykupić obligacje
the amount or percentage of return that an investor can receive from a bond at specified timebond yield
the amount of interest that bond payscoupon
equity financingfinansowanie własne
debt financingfinansowanie dłużne
tax deductibleumożliwiający potrącenie podatku
the reduction in income taxes that results from taking an allowable deduction from taxable incometax shields
to anticipateprzewidywać, oczekiwać
A measure of a company's financialleveragethatshowswhatproportof debt and equityisusedtofinaitsassetdebt-equity ratio
to issue equitiesemitować udziały
A short-term debt obligation backed by the U.S. & Brit governm with a maturity of less than oneTreasury Bills
Long-term and the most secure government bondsgilt-edged securities(GB) v Treasury Bonds(US)
selling sharesequity financing
selling bondsdebt financing
floating ratezmienna stopa
convertible bondsobligacje zamienne na akcje
a security whose owner is not registered with the issuerbearer certificate
an event that takes place when a private company introduce its shares on the stock marketbecomingPLCInitial Public Offering
to impose viewnarzucić pogląd
to discloseujawnić
to repay a debtspłacić dług
to diminishzmniejszać, uszczuplać
sums of money paid to someone in exchange for a favourkickbacks
a way of obtaining money by fraud or deceptionrocket
hypeszum, przesadna reklama
to bypassomijać
attempt to defeatgun
to supplantzajmować miejsce
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