returns on investment(ROI) | zwrot z inwestycji |
venture capitalists | inwestor dostarczający kapitału wysokiego ryzyka |
business angels | aniołowie biznesu |
profit | zysk |
The person(s) resposible for implementing a fund's investing strategy and managing its portfolio tra | fund manager |
securities | papiery wartościowe |
to oversee | nadzorować |
investment portfolio | portfel inwestycyjny |
investments in projects that don't harm the environment, usually with lower returns | ethical investment |
reckless | lekkomyślny |
calculating | wyrachowany |
greedy | chciwy |
opportunistic | oportunistyczny |
intuitive | kierujący się intuicją |
flexible | elastyczny |
opinionated | opiniotwórczy |
focused | skupiony, skoncentrowany |
prudent | rozważny, roztropny |
analytical | analityczny |
optimisitic | optymistyczny |
to incurre losses | ponosić straty |
an agreement to buy or sell something in the future at a specific price | future |
a contract which gives you the right but not the obligation to perform a trasaction at a specified t | option |
rashly | pochopnie, nierozważnie |
folly | foolishness, lack of good sense |
myopia, short-sightedness | krótkowzroczność |
boom years | years of economic prosperity |
to handle risk | zarządzać ryzykiem |
to run business | prowadzić biznes |
to underestimate | nie doceniać, niedoszacować |
uncertainty | niepewność |
a science that applies psychological insights to economics | behavioural science |
to be in demand | być poszukiwanym |
encounter | spotkanie |
acquaintence | znajomość |
venture | operacja |
inaccurate | niedokładny |
dishonest | nieszczery |
to abandon | porzucać |
emphasis | nacisk |
interest | odesetki |
a high-risk bond that can give you a big rate of return but there is a high risk | junk bond |
to forecast | prognozować |
varying investments | diversification |
to assess | to estimate |
a variety of investments held by an institution or a private individual | portfolio |
money earned on investments | returns |
overemphasize | przesadzać z naciskiem |
prearranged | ustalony, umówiony |
overspend | przekroczyć(budżet) |
budget | budżet |
bilingual | dwujęzyczny |
notorius | notoryczny, cieszący się złą sławą |
A mutual fund that invests principally in stocks | equity fund |
a company that spreads investors' capital over a variety of securities | mutual fund |
limited companies | spółki akcyjne |
a sole trader | jednoosobowa firma |
unlimited liability | odpowiedzialność całym majątkiem |
partnerships | spółki osobowe |
limited partnership | spółka komandytowa |
unlimited partnership | spółka jawna |
a partnership in which at least one partner has unlimited liability and at least one limited liabity | limited partnership |
sleeping partner | komandytariusz |
limited liability companies | spółka z O.O. |
jont-stock company | spółka akcyjna |
the stock market | giełda |
Private limited company(Ltd) | spółka z O.O. |
Public Limited Company(PLC) | spółka akcyjna |
do well | iść dobrze |
do badly | iść źle |
to declare bankruptcy | ogłosić bankructwo |
to file for bankruptcy | zgłaszać wniosek o upadłość |
to file for chapter 11 | zgłaszać wniosek o upadłość(masz czas na reorganizację przedsiębiorstwa przed...) |
to go bankrupt | zbankrutować |
to bankrupt a | doprowadzić do bankructwa |
legal entity | osoba prawna |
Memorandum of Association | dokument założycielski spółki akcyjny |
Certificate of Incoroporation | dokument założycielski spółki akcyjnej |
Articles of Asspciation v Bylaws | rozporządzenie władz lokalnych |
registrar of companies | rejestr spółek |
over-the-counter | pozagiełdowy |
floating a company | "ugiełdowienie firmy" |
newly issued shares are offered first to existing shareholders | rights issue |
issuing new shares to shareholders instead of paying dividends | bonus issue |
expected value of the company | expected value of a company |
a long bond | obligacja długookresowa |
a spot price | cena za transakcję natychmiastową |
is the financial market where previously issued securities are bought and sold | secondary market |
is the capital markets that deals with the issuance of new securities | primary market |
having a responsibility or an obligation to do sth e.g. to pay a debt | liability |
a person or an organization to whom money is owed | creditor |
to be insolvent: unable to pay debts | bankrupt |
everything of value owned by a business that can be used to produce goods, pay liabilities and so on | assets |
to sell all the possesions of a bankrupt business | to liquidate |
money that company will have to pay to someone else | liabilities |
to provide money for a company or other project | to put up capital |
money invested in a possibly risky new business | venture capital |
the place in which a company does business | premissess |
to guarantee to buy an entire new share issue, if no else wants it | to underwrite |
A PROPORTION OF THE ANNUAL PROFITS of a limited company, paid to shareholders | a dividend |
a receiver | komornik |
an investor's selection of scurities | portfolio |
a person who can advise investors and buy and sell shares for them | stockbrocker |
a stock in a large company or corporation that is considered to be secure | blue chip stock |
a stock that offers a good return but only a limited chance of a rise or decline in value | defensive stock |
a stock that has a high purchasing price and a low rateofreturn that is expected to appreciate in va | GROWTH STOCK |
a wholesaler in stocks and shares who deals with brokers | market-maker |
financial organisations like pension funds which own most of the shares of allleading compa(over 60% | institutional investors |
the use of information not known to the public to make a profit out of buying or selling shares | insider share-dealing |
underwriter | gwarant emisji, ubezpieczyciel |
face or par value | wartość nominalna(x2) |
issue of shares | emisja akcji |
to charge default intereset | naliczać odsetki za zwłokę |
principal | zwierzchnik |
principal | kapitał, podstawa kredytu |
to accrue | narastać(odsetki) |
the amount of the loan | principal |
date at which money will be returned | maturity |
pension fund | fundusz emerytalny |
a financial institution that collects regular contributions from employers to provide retirement inc | pension fund |
investors who keep their bonds till maturity | buy-and-hold investors |
non-payment v default | nieuiszczalny(x2) |
fall in interest rates | price appreciation |
rise in interest rates | price deppreciation |
capital gains | profits on the sale of assets |
creditworthiness v trustworthiness | wiarygodność kredytowa |
investment grade | klasa inwestycji |
the class of investition that is used to diffrentiate bonds on account of bond's credit quality rati | investment grade |
to redeem bonds | wykupić obligacje |
the amount or percentage of return that an investor can receive from a bond at specified time | bond yield |
the amount of interest that bond pays | coupon |
equity financing | finansowanie własne |
debt financing | finansowanie dłużne |
tax deductible | umożliwiający potrącenie podatku |
the reduction in income taxes that results from taking an allowable deduction from taxable income | tax shields |
to anticipate | przewidywać, oczekiwać |
A measure of a company's financialleveragethatshowswhatproportof debt and equityisusedtofinaitsasset | debt-equity ratio |
to issue equities | emitować udziały |
A short-term debt obligation backed by the U.S. & Brit governm with a maturity of less than one | Treasury Bills |
Long-term and the most secure government bonds | gilt-edged securities(GB) v Treasury Bonds(US) |
selling shares | equity financing |
selling bonds | debt financing |
floating rate | zmienna stopa |
convertible bonds | obligacje zamienne na akcje |
a security whose owner is not registered with the issuer | bearer certificate |
an event that takes place when a private company introduce its shares on the stock marketbecomingPLC | Initial Public Offering |
to impose view | narzucić pogląd |
to disclose | ujawnić |
to repay a debt | spłacić dług |
to diminish | zmniejszać, uszczuplać |
sums of money paid to someone in exchange for a favour | kickbacks |
a way of obtaining money by fraud or deception | rocket |
hype | szum, przesadna reklama |
to bypass | omijać |
attempt to defeat | gun |
to supplant | zajmować miejsce |