wordki.pl - nauka słówek
verbs followed by WITH
autor: staszek123
acquaint sb with sthto introduce sb to an unfamiliar thing
associate sth with sbto link sb or sth[in one's mind] to sb or sth else
charge sb with sthobciążyć finansowo to make sb or a group pay the cost of sth
clutter with sthzagracić
coincide with sthto agree with or match sth; [for sth] to happen at the same time as sth else
collide with sthto crash with or bump into sth
comply with sthto conform to sth; to obey guidelines or regulations; to agree to sth
concern with sthzaniepokojenie z powodu czegoś
confront sb with stho face sb with incriminating evidence, charges of wrongdoing, or criticism.
confuse sb with sbto mix someone up with someone else
confuse sth with sthto mistake something with something else
crammed with sthzapełniony czymś
deal with sb/sthto manage someone or something
discuss sb/sth with sbto talk about sb or sth with someone
be faced with sthbyć postawionym w obliczu czegoś
ingratiate oneself with sbto work oneself into someone's favor
meet with sthto experience something, esp. something unpleasant
pack with sthnp zapakowane 10-oma zeszytami
plead with sbto beg sth of sb; to make an emotional appeal to sb
provide sb with sthto supply something to someone
tamper with sthwtracać się, manipulate
meddlemieszać (się), wtrącać się
trust sb with sthto leave sth in the care of someone
conformdopasowywać się,dostosowywać,