wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Verbs followed by TO
autor: staszek123
answer to a descriptionto match a particular set of physical or facial characteristics
appeal to sbto please or attract someone
it appeals to meI like the idea
apply oneself to sthto work hard and diligently at something
diligentlypilnie, starannie, pracowicie
apply to sthto affect sth /dotyczyć kogoś
attend to sth said/heardzwracać uwagę na to co ktoś powiedział usłyszał
attribute sth to sbto ascribe something to sb or sth
commit oneself to sthzobowiązać się, to agree to sth; to promise to do sth
confess to sthto admit having done something
devote oneself to sthto dedicate or give oneself over to sth/poświęcić sie
prefer one thing to another thingwoleć coś od czegoś
react to sthto act in response to sth
refer to sthto look at sth for information or help/odnieść sie
refer sb to sbto send someone to someone
be resigned to sthbyć pogodzonym z czymś
resort to sthto turn to sth that is not the first choice, uciekać się do/ratować czymś
see to sthto be sure that something is done
subject sb to sthto cause sb or sth to experience sth/poddawać czemuś
succeeded to the throneobjąć władzę/zasiadać na tronie
be used to doing sthbyć przyzwyczajonym do robienia czegoś