wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Turska unit 14 dodatki 2
autor: moni16011
Blue Zonea place where people live long
accelerate agening processprzyspieszać proces starzenia się
grandmother effectlow rates of morbidity and diseases among children caused by being around grandparents
bountynagroda, hojność
salientthe most important; najistotniejszy
exponentiallygwałtownie; to increase quicker and quicker
social equityparticipation in society
gunk upturn in a pulp
debunk a mythdisprove a myth
common denominatorwspólny mianownik
synthetic ingredientsingredients made from artificial products
wholesomegood for you physically or morally; zdrowy
wholemealcontaining all the natural substances in the grain with nothing removed
Fair Traderefers to products which were made by rather small farmers in developing countries
free-rangerelating to farm animals that are not kept in cages
loopholeways of getting round regulations
receipe forsituation sure to lead to
to have all the ingredients of sthto have all the necessary characteristics
dilute sbmake sb less dominant (lit: make another liquid weaker by mixing it with water; rozcieńczać)
stewworry or suffer especially about sth you think is his fault (lit: cook slowly in liquid; dusić)
grill sbask a lot of questions
half-baked (scheme)unrealistic or not thought through properly
spice up (a party)make more lively
unsavoury (people)unpleasant, morally offensive
turn sourgo wrong
juicy (gossip)exciting and interesting
the light of my lifethe joy of my life
to light on the solutionto find the solution by chance
in the light of the reports...taking into consideration the information which the reports provide
bipolar disordera mental illness characterized by episodes of an elevated mood known as mania
delusion/delusionalbelief in sth that is not true
psychiatric wardoddział psychiatryczny
bundle sb onto a planewrzucać kogoś do samolotu
side effectan unpleasant effect of a drug that happens in addition to the main effect
antipsychotic drugsleki przeciwpsychotyczne
regimenany set of rules about food and exercise that someone follows
fishyseeming dishonest or false
intakethe amount of a particular substance that is eaten or drunk during a particular time; spożycie
proccessed foodpółprodukty
postpartum depressionclinical depression which can affect women, and less frequently men, typically after childbirth
suicidal tendencyskłonność do samobójstwa
a spate of stha series of sth
in partczęściowo
free upuwalniać
signal transductionprzekazywanie sygnału
gestating/ gestationgetting pregrant/ pregnancy
infant formulaa manufactured food designed and marketed for feeding to babies and infants
hard-nosed (data)praktyczny
dietary guidelinewytyczne dietetyczne
anchovyanchois (przetwory z sardeli)
flaxseedziarna lnu zwyczajnego
wheat germkiełki pszenicy
walnutorzech włoski
canola oilolej rzepakowy
boost the level ofzwiększyć poziom czegoś
egg yolkżółtko
downbeatquiet and without much excitement