wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: agata
genotypealleles contained in an organis's cells
phenotypevisual characteristics of organism determined by genotype and environment
dominant alleleallele affecting the phenotype of heterozygous as much as for homozygous
recessive alleleallele which only affect the phenotype when dominant allele is not present
codominant allelesboth alleles affect phenotype of heterozygous organism
locusposition of a gene on the chromosome
carrierhealthy individual carrying copy of a recessive gene causing genetic disease for homozygotes
test crosstesting a suspected heterozygote by crossing it with a known recessive homozygote
genomeall of genetic information of organism
allelevariety of a gene having the same locus
homologous chromosomeschromosomes of the same pair, the sames genes in the same sequence, not the same alleles