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209St Alban - the martyrdrom at Verulamium
339Constantine moves the imperial capital to Byzantium
367attacks by Picts, Scots, Saxons - rescue expedition from Rome
391Christianity becomes the sole religion of the Empire
396barbarian attacks - rescue expedition from Rome
402British garrison evacuated to fight visigoths in the Italy
406invasion of Gaul by Vandals, Suevi and Alans - - Britannia effly cut off from imperial assistance
410ostateczny koniec panowania Rzymian w Brytanii
597Athelbert, King of Kent, converted to Christianity
664the Synod of Whitby : Roman Church defeated Irish Church
757władcą Mercji zostaje król Offa - the first to call himself Rex Anglorum
789Portland in Dorset : the first recorded "Viking" landing
793Lindisfarne : first Viking raid
827Egbert, pierwszy władca panujący nad całą Anglią
871Danish invasion on Wessex ; Alfred the Great becomes the king
886treaty of Wedmore : Dane Guthrum agreed to leave Wessex, King Alfred his adoptive father
973Edgar królem Anglii
1002massacre of all Danes in England by Ethelred
1014the end of Viking Wars : Clontarf (Brian Boru's Death)
1016Danish emperor Kanut the Great defeates Edmund and becomes the King
1035Kanut's death, Harold I becomes the King
1042Edward the Confessor defeats Danes and becomes the king
1066Wilhelm I the Conqueror kills Harold II in battle of Hastings
1086Domesday Book : statistic, social, economic survey
1155Henry II : first of Plantagenets
1170bishop Becket's murder
1189Richard Couer de Lion : III Crusade
1199John Lackland
1214the battle of Bouvins ; the loss of Normandy, Anjou, Maine, Touraine, Brittany
1215Magna Carta : 63 articles on all aspects of feudal dues