wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: Fifty
335three hundred and thirty-five
1000one thousand
3020three thousand and twenty
1/2one half
1/4one quarter
1/3one third
1/8one eight
3/4three fourths
2/3two thirds
3/8three eighths
5/7five sevenths
a+b=ca plus b equals c
a-b=ca minus b equals c
axb=ca multiplied by b equals c
a:b=ca divided by b equals c
(a-b)(a+b)=ya minus b in brackets multiplied by a plus b in brackets equals y
a(8-b)=xa open brackets 8 minus b close brackets equals x
15+(a-b)/8a = b15 plus a minus b in brackets all over 8 a equals b
202/561two hundred and two over five hundred and sixty-one
1*1/2one and a half
3*2/3three and two thirds
0.3zero point three
2.201two point two zero one
3.15three point one five
25.25twenty five point two five
x^2x to the power of two
x^3x to the power of three
x^nx to the power of n
x^n-1x to the power of n minus one
x^-nx to the power of minus n
-/xthe square root of x
3-/xthe cube root of x
5-/xthe fifth root of x
n-/xthe nth root of x
x=/=1x is not equal to 1
x=10x is approximately equal to 10
x->0x tends to nought
x->~~x tends to infinity
x<5x is less than five
x>5x is greater than five
x=<10x is less than or equal to 10
x>=10x is greater than or equal to 10
RxR subscript x, R sub x
16*sixteen degrees
16*Csixteen degrees Celsius
25%twenty-five per cent