to bypass | ominąć | |
silver bullet | straightforward solution perceived to have extreme effectiveness | |
rattling | stukający | |
entrepreneurship | przedsiębiorczość | |
fivefold | pięciokrotnie | |
soar | frunąć | |
mere | zwykły | |
smallholder | posiadacz małej farmy | |
affiliate | filia | |
Gross Domestic Product | Produkt Krajowy Brutto | |
scope | zakres | |
prospect | szansa | |
contender | kandydat | |
levy | ustalić | |
innovation | innowacja | |
encrypted | protected by code | |
grapevine | a way in which information spreads quickly form one person to another | |
app | aplikacja | |
rioter | person involved in violent protests | |
handset | mobile phone | |
upgrade | ulepszenie | |
limitations | limitacje | |
deprivation | bieda | |
be a gleam in one's eye | idea that someone has that has not yet been achieved | |
pull the plug | stop activity by reducing money provided | |
spring up | appear suddenly | |
overwhelming | przeważający | |
complex | złożony | |
disappear into thin air | vanish suddenly in a mysterious way | |
hand-me-downs | items that have been used by someone else | |
well-heeled | rich | |
peak | reach highest level | |
sustain | maintain | |
decline | become less or worse; say politely that you won't accept something | |
top | be larger than particualr amount | |
interface | be connected to sth | |
compensate | rekompensować | |
dwindle | become gradually less or smaller | |
dominance | situation where someone transcends everyone | |
revenues | income for business actions | |
surge | sudden increase in price | |
algorithm | sequence | |
filings | collections of related data records | |
warry | to be nervous about something | |
initiatives | actions that can solve problem | |