wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: kingas13
were entwined into be closely connected with something in a complicated way
interactionwzajemne relacje
contacted each other through matrimony sitekontaktowac sie poprzez strone ??
arranged marriagewhen parents choose
sanitymentally health
meet sb onlinew internecie
to flee toleave quickly- uciekac
suffer at the hands ofwhen someone hurt or treat you badly
homophobesth who have negative attitudes to homosexuel
to gain asylumzdobyć azylm
detection centerprison for youth or for people who enter a country illegaly
manage to make it workssucceed
to stick it togetherattach sth to sth
tenaciousdetermined to do sth, uporczywy, nieustępliwy
sip winesączyć wino
disagreementwhen people express different opinions
swish the catwalksluksusowy wybieg dla modelek
love at first sightod 1 wejrzenia
under martial lawstan wojenny
could not travel without permissionnie moze podrozowac bez pozwolenia
we finally made itw koncu to zrobilismy/ udal nam sie
honeymoonmiesiac miodowy
gaming sitestrona z grami
courtshipbehaviour to attract someone/ zaloty
he had just turned 17becoma a particular age
make some sacrificespoświęcać
reject (me)refuse to accept
in somebody's shoesin somebody's situation
welcome into the folda group or community
in absoulte silencequiet
extended famillylarge family group
a naive Welsh student away from homenaiwny student z Walii który przebywał z dala od domu
was a Chilean refugeeczilijski uchodźca, emigrant
perplexedpuzzled, confused, worried
come up with a reasonable answerznaleźć wpaść na rozsądną odpowiedź
stumble intodiscover sth by chance
same-sex lovejednopłciowa miłość
lustvery strong desire
she is the love of my lifejest miłością mojego życia
a response toreaction
joyfulvery happy
dispositionqualities of mind/ characters
willingnessprepared to do sth- ochota
bondfix together, connect
zealochota- political, religious reasons
raucoussounding unpleasantly and rough- szorstki (voice, laughter)
rowdybehaving in a noisy rough way
to assertstate very strongly- zapewniać (authority, power, rights, independence, claim, control)
exaggerateddescribed better, larger
a tribal chiefrelated to tribe
subordinatesomeone who has a lower position
minionunimportant person who obey orders
to easegradually improve or become less-pain, fear, pressure, tension, situation, burden, mind, sanctions,
to boostincrease or improve sth- confidence, morale, ego, self-esteem, economy, growth
immune (system), immunitythe state of being protected- odpornosc, nietykalnosc
a resistance tothe act of fighting against, - opór, refusal, disease, infection, change, drug
to be concerned about/that/forworried about
to be heading forto be likely to get or experience sth soon/ zmierzac do
to lose out onto not have an advantage that others have-przegapić
to be at odds withdiffer/disagree
incompatiblenot able to exist or work together-niedobrany
make-believewhen you imagine or pretend that sth is real
interactiona mutual or reciprocal action or influence
to bet/get carried away (with)be so excited/interested/angry that you have no control on yourself
babble (on about sth)speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand- bełkotać
mixed bag ofa group of things or people that are really different from each other
you could have knocked me down with a featheryou say to emphasize how surprised you are when sth happened
to be taken abackbe very surprised or shocked by sth
to be at loose endhave nothing to do
have a rough timerough period
end up doing sthfinally be in a particular situation when did not plan it
apprehensive aboutworried or nervous about
outgoinglike meet and talk to new peopl
compulsivedoing sth a lot and unable to stop doing it (reading, behavior, liar, shopper, overeater, gambler)
streetwiseable to deal with the dangerous situations and people in cities
clockwisein the same direction as clock
mosaica pattern or pciture
at a steady/low/fast one's own paceat (steady-regular) speed
nightmare scenariothe worst possible situation
gloomydepressing, dark (picture, prediction, atmosphere, future, outlook, mood, thoughts)
to bothermake the effort to do, make someone feel slightly worried
determined that/to dohaving a strong desire to do sth
mechanically mindeda person who likes using tools, read...
diversificationincluding more different types of things
restored to its former gloryreturn to good condition- great admiration
collector's piece/iteman object very valuable to a person who collects objects as a hobby
be into sthinterested in
upsetmake sb feel worried
a flawmistake, mark, weakness= defect
pick up on sthnotice sth when it is tried to hide
recordingmusic, speech, images not on tape
rare moments of lucidityshowing or having the ability to think clearly/ trzezwosc umyslu
register officewhere you can get married, urzad stanu
do it confidentlysurely
end in divorcekoncza sie rozwodem
prior tobefore
have broken heartsfeeling of extreme sadness
cohabite (for eight)live with other person, without marriage
domestic hostilityunfriendliness at home
solemnvery serious
oathformal and very serious promise
breedparticular kind or type/ typ, rodzaj- new broad of "love drug"
prescribeto say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have
counsellorsomeone whose job is to help and support people with problems/doradca, psycholog
sniffbreathe/wciągać nosem
dosethe amount of a medicine
your loved onea person that you love
bloodstreamthe blood flowing in your body/krwioobieg
strengthen your bondyour relationship becomes stronger
nondescriptordinary, not interesting
engrave withdesigns on metal, wood, glass
in the event of his deathin case of
dismissivelyrefusing to consider someone or something seriously/lekceważąco
the remitobowiązek-piece of work that someone must do
the fate of humanitydestiny
become divorced from his first wifeno longer married
divisionthe act of separating
how powerless you areunable to stop, control
end upbe in a particular situation
break-upthe act of ending a marriage or relationship
it's quite tellinghaving a great or important effect, significant/ skuteczny, znaczący
usablecan be used/ użyteczny, przydatny
infinitesimallyextremely small/minimalnie
distinctclearly different
attachmenta feeling that you like or love someone or something and that you would be unhappy without them
leaning towardsa tendency to prefer or agree with a particular set of beliefs, opinions
messycomplicated and unpleasant
blendto combine different things
unique combinationspecial mixture
variantssth that is slightly different
knock away of ritualhit, get rid of? routine?
sweatingexcude a liquid from skin
upsidepositive part of a situation
reducibleable to be reduced
emboldeninggive someone more courage
passive passenger of the emotionsshowing no interest, emotions
long-term bondinga process by which close emotional relationship is developed
evolvedevelop/change gradually
procreategive birth, breed
enjoy deathless romancenever ending- used ironically
hunter-gatherersomeone who collects-zbieracz
life expectancylength of time that sb is expected to live
coupleto join or fasten two things together
humanity has undergone spectacular developmentsexperience
roamwalk long without purpose
median lengthaverage length
outlastingcontinue, last longer- przetrwać
give love a helping handhelp and support
the systems underpinning the pair's bondgive strength or support-> tie
fall out of lovestop love
counter this evolutionary handicaptake action to oppose or stop difficult situation
tend to be monogamoushaving only one husband at time
roguenot behaving in the usual or accepted way and often causing trouble/sprawiajacy problem
neat contrast makes them valuable subjects for researchtidy and carefully arranged,-> worth
a razor's edgebe in a difficult position/ uncertain, dangerous situation
cuddle chemicalhug-> love drug
serve different functions in different regions of the brainhave effect/provide
oxytocin is doing something at a very basic levelhormon-> skurcz macicy
you may get a very different responsereaction
it's been implicated in an animal defending its babiesinvolved-> defend- protect
overlytoo, very
hypervigilantbardzo uwazny-> giving attention
jealousy tends to be destructivecausing damage
the sheer quantity ofemphasize the huge quantity
short-term effectlasting a short time
bottlenecka problem that delays progress
seems to be strongly associated withpowiązany
they are very prone to having affairslikely to do sth
that remains a mysterycontinue to exist/zagadka
to manufactureto use machines to make goods or materials, usually in large numbers or amounts
interactcommunicate, affect
any of this stuff would have to be coupled with social interventionsjoin
emasculatedpozbawiony (męskości)
take drugs tobrac narkotyki
treatment workeddziała
quackthe sound a duck makes
fakea copy of valuable object
primarymost important, main
objectiona statement that shows that poi disagree with a plan
under the spell ofbyć pod wrażeniem, oczarowany, fascinated
fixed natureset of qualities
dismissrefuse to consider
who are entering into an arranged marriagektorzy wstepuja w zwiazek malzenski poprzez zaplanowany slub
to be concernedworried
fall for sbbe very attractive to someone
assesscarefully consider
attribute it to their dispositionbelieve/say in character
biasedunfairly preferring one person or group
endearingmaking someone love or like you
becomes the oppositeprzeciwny
our marriage is in troublesituation with a lot of problems
confessionstatement that you have done sth wrong-wyznanie
faithfulnesswiernosc- remaining loyal
gain forachieve
distant rewardfar away, friendly
inhibit your natural tendencyprevent sth from
correlativefacts, ideas are closely related or dependent on each other/powiązany
primatea member of the group of animals that includes humans and monkeys/ ssak
blatantly obviousvery clear and easy obvious/ byc ewidentnym
it really takes two adults to keep the nest fully provisionedzaopatrzony
to anticipateto expect that something will happen and be ready for it
joint enterprisewspólne przedsiębiorstwo
impositionsomething that someone expects or asks you to do for them which is nt convenient for you/narzeucenie
dream upto think of a plan or idea, especially an unusual one
the great majority of us fall for the dream of endless coupledomstart liking endless live forever as a couple
sacredrelating to a god or religion,very important or greatly respected
inferiorlower in rank
high divorce ratewysoki wskaznik rozwodow
bereavementwhen someone loses a close friend or relative because they have died/ bolesna strata, żałoba
griefextreme sadness, especially because someone you love has died
nutrientskładnik odżywczy
the uptake ofabsorpcja, wchłanianie
summon funzwołana zabawa
ringmasterthe person who introduces in circus
self-respectambicja, duma
nudge intoreach, move gradually